The Beachworm

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Thousands of years ago, when the thaw was just beginning, a colony of giant sandworms dispersed around the world, the layers of ice and snow that covered the earth vanished and everything seemed to indicate that sand would reign.
One of the sandworms headed to an area between what is now the United States and Mexico, facing the sea. Having so much space but so little prey, it decided to hibernate and wait for the place to fill up with delicious prey.
More than 6,000 years later, the worm woke up and saw dogs, but not the dogs he once knew. They walked on two legs, ate cereal with a spoon, played poker and were smart enough to build. The giant buildings wouldn't let him leave and the sand was no longer big enough for him to go under. To make matters worse, dogs were indigestible to his body.

The irrational hatred he developed towards dogs turned him into a menace, into a plague. And now, his misery will be put to an end by the one he least expects.

Back to the present, Kenny was still running away from the worm, who was using its long body to corner him and try to crush him.
A sharp cry was heard in the distance, "Labrador! Over here!" was heard. Kenny ran towards the sound, managing to avoid the giant worm, even if it was just by chance. Kenny reached the concrete of the sidewalk, the one who yelled was none other than Javier.
"You'll be fine here, the sandworm can only pass through sand, and it has no sense of vision, all it sees is limited to what touches the sand, it won't attack us if we're not in it.

Kenny and Javier sat down to come up with a plan against the stupid and irreverent worm.
"Stupid worm" said Kenny "I'll call him Stupidward, because he's stupid.".
"The outside of the worm isn't exactly fragile, it's literally been shot more times than I can remember," Javier said, "But I guess its insides must be pretty sensitive, it literally can't digest dogs."
Kenny looked at Javier strangely, "You sound like a pest controller."
"I was" Javier revealed "But i give up that life."

Kenny stood up and started trying to get to the part where his puppy brain makes synapses.
"I Have an idea!" Yells Kenny.

After several minutes, Kenny returned armed with two knives and a can of gasoline. "This crap was more expensive than gasoline, the idiot who sold it to me better not break it on contact because I'll turn him into a steak!" Kenny said.
Javier knew that sandworms were not stupid, "the worm will not swallow you, I already told you that it does not eat dogs, it is stupid to try to attract them with your little dog body, the only thing it will do is crush you."
"Calm down my old friend, I won't make him swallow me, that would be ridiculous, I will get into his digestive system and destroy it from the inside" answered the stubborn  Labrador.
"Im just 56" Replied Javier.

The dark Labrador stepped into the sand. As soon as he touched the sand, the Worm's instinct kicked in, sensing the sudden presence of an animal in his territory, he put himself in a defensive position. Kenny advanced towards the worm, it sensed his advance and lunged at him with murderous intent Swallowing it was not an option but crushing it with its enormous body was the most feasible.
Kenny jumped at the worm's attack, who was not faster than him so dodging it was not necessarily a problem. However, the sandworm knew how to use his enormous body against Kenny. He began to surround the farmer until he trapped him within a circle of his own body. The circle closed faster and faster, since it was like a spiral, it was only a matter of time before he crushed Kenny.
although it would be precisely this that would give Kenny a fervent opportunity.

 although it would be precisely this that would give Kenny a fervent opportunity

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*artist's representation*

Kenny was face to face with the biggest beast he had ever faced, he got into position and lunged at the hole that served as its mouth. Kenny entered the mouth of the sandworm, who desperately tried to swallow him, however Kenny used the blades he bought to grab onto the insides of the sandworm's throat.
Kenny showed great strength and courage as he went deeper and deeper into the beast, until he reached a place deep enough to complete his plan. Kenny took out his gasoline canister from God only knows where and poured the fuel into the depths of the beast. Then he took out a match and lit it with his blades before throwing it into the fuel.
Kenny waited for the rest to happen by inertia, "once again, I have won" said Kenny before the worm violently expelled him from its body. Kenny was left unconscious in the sand, while the sandworm felt its insides being eaten away by an immeasurable burning before perishing and, therefore, putting an end to its already emaciated species.

Across the beach, Tanya was finally calm. It seemed that his blood pressure problems had finally disappeared. However, a feeling of worry began to ring in his mind, the idea that brainless Kenny was on the verge of death somewhere on earth. That was normal for him, Kenny is one of those people who can't afford not to cause havoc and, in a way, Tanya had already gotten used to that. The only thing that worried her was the idea that if Kenny ended up dying because of some of her stupid actions, it would be her fault for not being there to hit him on the head and yell "What the hell are you planning to do?!".

Tanya watched as the police, an ambulance and a paleontologist drove past towards the other end of the beach. Not having any idea what was going on, Tanya said, "Kenny, what the duck did you do now?"


Hours later, Kenny would slowly open his eyes on a hospital gurney, in front of him stood a doctor, a nurse and his beloved friend Tanya. Tanya had a particularly angry look on her face that served as a mask for her relief.
"Lucy told me that she sent you messages saying that a guy named Javier contacted her to do a job, that he was going to send Anton to do it and that we shouldn't take it, why didn't you tell me!?" Tanya claimed with obvious anger.
"She did it?!" Kenny said surprised "Im sorry, my battery is dead".
"Even so" Replied Tanya "Why didn't you tell me what was going on instead of telling me that stupid lie that I of course believed?... I feel stupid, this is my fault".
"What? No, of course not! Tanya, the only reason I lied was so you could have some peace of mind, I wanted you to relax, none of this is your fault." Kenny replied.

Tanya no longer felt guilt or anger, only relief. For the first time in a long time she felt that way. Kenny extended his arms to give her a hug, not realizing that all her bones were broken and she remained motionless for a few seconds.

"Are you okay?" Tanya asked.
"No, im Kenny" Awnsed Kenny while he laughs "Seriously, I'm not okay, call the doctor."

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