Kenny The Snitch

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The prison cafeteria was spacious, and one could see where the gang hierarchies were divided. The less dangerous criminals sat in the shade with their peers, the criminals who were respected gang members sat at the better quality tables, and the gang leaders or high-risk members sat in the center at the better-lit tables.
Despite that, the food served was no better than what one might find in a hobo hostel.

Kenny wasn't really interested in blending in, but rather wanted to identify those responsible for releasing the plague into the prison. Using the photos he had received, Kenny was able to track down the table where the alleged perpetrators were sitting: Harry Brown, Glovie Weiner and Melbourne. But there was no trace of the third perpetrator.
Kenny sat at the table where they were, completely ignoring the established prison hierarchy.

Harry became defensive, "Hey, that seat is reserved for Marshall!" he shouted.
Kenny ignored him in return, making Harry Brown even more furious, Brown was not a dog known for his patience.

"What's wrong, sir?" Kenny asked. "Weren't you taught basic table manners?". Kenny's words only infuriated Brown further, who got up from the table and approached the annoying Labrador.
"You know, sir, in my house they didn't teach us that we should always call adults 'sir', no matter how stupid they are" Kenny said.
"Your mother is obviously stupid," Harry commented.
"And your mother is obviously non-existent" Kenny replied. 

Harry lunged at Kenny with his fist, Kenny kickinged in, dodging the punch and elbowing Brown in the back of his neck so hard that he threw him into the table in front of him.

Brown was furious, his face was stained with the disgusting food of another inmate, he clearly noticed how that strange yellow dog had increased his strength at will. Harry Brown knew what was going on, he wasn't stupid, nor was it the first time he messed with someone like that.

Brown stopped seeing his enemy as a simple prison inmate and began to see him as what he was: a plague.
His eyes rolled back in his head, his muscles rippled, and he stood up. The prisoner wiped his face, and looked at his target. Eyes of a calm fury, the only way one could describe Brown's distant gaze.

Kenny blinked, soon as he opened his eyes he already had Brown in front of him, a furious fist hit his stomach, if Kenny had eaten something, he would have to vomited it.
Kenny did not fall to the ground, not even after Brown took advantage of the blow to the stomach to hit him in the face with a jab.

Kenny stepped aside and Brown took the lead and counterattacked again. Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut, Harry repeated these movements until he made the poor dog dizzy. He thought that making him dizzy would be the best way to make him fall. He was wrong. He didn't understand the scarred 's body.

Kenny's automatic response made him act even when he was knocked unconscious, even if it was only for a few seconds. Kenny dodged the blows unconsciously and knocked down his enemy using the Mataleón Technique.

Brown was choking, his fellow inmates rushed to get him out of his situation by attacking Kenny. The rest of the prisoners witnessed this fight and began to fight each other literally for no reason. It was a matter of seconds before the guards arrived to stop this fight... with more fight.


Hours later, Kenny regained consciousness and found himself in front of Harry, who didn't seem to have any intentions of getting revenge.
It was nighttime, both in a shared cell and with a camera watching them. Kenny had grown tired of acting bad with him, he wanted to apologize.

"So... I think I owe you an apology" Kenny said with a shamefull look.
Brown looked at him silently, he didn't seem happy or angry, just indifferent, maybe a little scared, but, why?.

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