Church Infestation

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It was a cloudy Saturday, a black labrador named Kenny Arrived at his workplace. He was confused to see that there's no one soul in there.

"Tanya?... Anton?... Miss Lucy?... What's going on?" Kenny said, he rubbed his scar on his head and started to look for his partners. He searches in the basement, he searches in the call center, he searches even in the office of his bosses.

Kenny started to lose his control, he looked at a box in a room with his name written on a label. Kenny opened the box and took what was inside it, a paper note.

"Fake street 123".

He thought it was a bad joke, but, after searching it online, he funded there's a party room in the place that the paper note indicates. Kenny quickly drove to the place, violating 12 road safety laws, violently open the giant door and...

"Happy birthday Kenny!!!".

Kenny finded all his work partners celebrating a party. "What is this?" Asked the black labrador.

"What do you mean? It's your birthday!" Answered his good friend, Tanya.

"Is it today?" Asked more confused Kenny.

"Yes! It's today! How did you even forget your own birthday?" Asked his mad friend Anton, a really mixed breed dog.

Kenny's brain finally did synapse and finally realize that there's his birthday.

"Oh, right, my birthday, i... i totally forgot about it" Kenny said, with a little bit of shame in his voice. Everybody on his party looked Kenny, disapointment. 

"I told ya'll, this guy is an idiot" said miss Maltese, a lonely maltese girl that specially hate Kenny.

"Oh, shut up, edgy girl" Said Tanya, defending his friend.

The front door suddenly opened, two grey huskies appeared behind it, a female and a male. They were the bosses, Mister Beelzie and Miss Lucy, the Hellhound twins. 

"Guys, i know we were planning this for weeks... but, unfortunately, we have a job to do" Said Beelzie.

The job was an infestation in a weird church, Kenny, Anton and Tanya were in charge to do it. Tanya drives the car with Kenny and Anton in the rear seats.

"Kenny, you know we all love you" Said Tanya with a serious voice tone "But, seriously, who in the bloody hell doesn't remember his birthday?".

"I don't know" Awnsed the black lab "I think i have a bad organization since i moved from my mom's house...".

"Well, that bad organization will make you pay soon" Said Anton "You need help! I'm not joking about".

"But, who can help me?" Asked worried Kenny.

"Well, you can get a, you know, roomate" Awnsed Tanya, with emphasis in 'roommate'.

They arrived in the church, an angelic song was heard, the bells indicated the 8 o'clock. The 3 dogs entered the colossal place, their ears pleased by the angelic songs of a hooded man, that man stopped singing when his eyes turned to his visitors.

He went down the steps to them and stood in front of them, then, the hooded dog removed his hood. Anton looked over his ears, Tanya looked over his fur and Kenny looked over his tail. They agreed on something.

"You look like a fox" agreed them all.

"Yeah, that's what other dogs says" agreed the fox-like dog.

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