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A/N: PLEASE READ!!! I have a A/N at the beginning and end. I just wanted to remind you guys that you can also send in submissions still (link is on the very first page of the book)! I haven't gotten any recently and I would still like to keep this going, but I of course need all of your  help (your submissions). Please and thank you! Now I will leave all of you to read xoxo :)

anonymous ~

Sometimes you can't control wether you have a crush on some one or not. Sometimes the brain takes over making you like this person or that. People say that you can't control the heart. If you think about it your heart doesn't really control who your attracted to. You brain does because you brain has the brain cells. Your brain makes up the fantasies, the ideas, the courage to go up to them and say, " I like you."Last year out in a park my friend, let's call her Emma, and my other friend, let's call him George, we're playing truth or dare. When the topic got to crushes I made up them but then I told them that I liked George. I was stupid but I wanted to see his reaction. Nothing. That was his reaction. Absolutely nothing. Yeah I was angry. Yeah I was hurt. But then in class the next day he started sending email to my class about how I liked him. My class is very tight knit so I denied it and they believed it. I only told my close friends. The questions died down until one of my friends, let's call her Mary, told me that if I stayed quiet and didn't say a word for the rest of the day she'd give me $10 dollars. Usually I'm a very noisy, energetic person but I agreed. Then with my friends she decided that if I kissed George she'd give me $20 all together but if I didn't she'd give me $5 for the whole deal. At the excursion the next day at lunch I kissed him on the cheek. The it all started again. The question did I still like George. All that. I denied because at this point it was true. One day we both agreed to be friends and that we didn't like each other. We started to write a story together on Wattpad. Then he wrote a message to one of his friends Noah about how much he like this girl, let's call her Page, and said that I was living proof of how a girl could like him. I almost killed him for that. There's this girl called, let's say Sally, and George has liked her for ages but she doesn't like him at all. There best friends and Sally wants it to stay that way. Sally is a amazing genius. What makes me want to rip his head off is the fact that he puts Sally in the head role every time with out asking the rest of the group. Say we have to write a scene for English then perform it. George: Sally is director and script writer and editor and lead role. I mean yeah Sally is great and as a group we would of elected Sally to at least one of those roles. He also thinks it's fine to call me an idiot and say that no you can't write the script, even though I've already been elected to the role, Sally has to do it because your a idiot and can't do it. In primary school I was constantly told I couldn't do it and I was an idiot and his words destroyed all the self confidence I had gain and all the walls. I'm ashamed of it but I almost cried. I just thought that we could be friends and such but he couldn't manage it. I built my self confidence but up almost as soon as I deemed him unworthy of my friendship. Now all I want to do it strangle him. As I was saying at the beginning we can't control who our brain places us with. The only thing we can do is decide who we fall in love with.

A/N: Tbh hun, I don't think he's worth it. I don't think you should waste your time on someone who doesn't appreciate and respect you. Especially if he calls you an "idiot"! It just seems he only cares about Sally, and you don't deserve the disrespect and immaturity he gives off. But you do you and stay stong! 


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