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Anonymmous ~

When I was younger (two years old) we lived in this supposed haunted house. At random moments, I would wave at something behind my mom and giggle. Nothing was there. It was believed to have been a ghost.

When I was around four, we moved into my current house. I would have night terrors. A night terror is where someone wakes up in the middle of the night screaming and bawling and when someone wakes them up fully, they have no memory of it.

Currently, I sleep in the room that my brother used to. He said he heard voices, and my mom thought he was bluffing. So, she spent a night in the room and was shocked to also hear whispers. I am sleeping in here now, but I don't here the whispers. However, during multiple times of the days, I've been hearing my names being called and recently, other words like "She isn't there" have been adding to the whispers.

We were at Waverly Hills Sanatorium (a haunted sanatorium). My mom, brother and sister were all terrified of almost everything, and I wasn't. Secretly, I think it's because I have been hearing and maybe even seeing these things my whole life, so they don't scare me anymore. My brother and I took pictures of the place in hopes of finding ghostly occurrences, and I caught three. Maybe it's because I just knew where to take the photos...

A/N: That's creepy, but a bit deep at the same time. Maybe you could become a ghost hunter ( Im so serious ) or something like that. It's pretty cool that you can sense these things. I'm not a big fan of spirits, I'm quite freaked out by the thought, but it's still cool and scary.


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