Hey guys sorry I haven't really updated I have had a horrible week I mean just the past few days. Anyway I've mostly been reading fanfics or watching tv/youtube to take my mind off it so I'm very sorry about not updating.
Vietnam: Even Romano hugged her. I don't know what happened but Romano hugged her
Admin: It's true like legit I got a hug from Romano
Taiwan: She loves us all. We live in her house. Well some of us.
Admin: Roma was staying over with Feli
Belgium: We got cute pictures
Hungary: We're also trying to recruit Veneziano
Taiwan: Yep! Anyway, admin apologizes
Admin: I do
Taiwan: And wants you to know she will try to update as soon as she can, or when stuff has blown over.
Hungary: Or when she is able to move on.
Britain: It's ok love
Vietnam: This is a girls only meeting
Admin: It's ok. *hugs Britain*
Britain: *hugs*
Admin: Anyway, ILY all and I really am sorry for not updating!!
Hetalia Truth or Dare!
FanfictieTruth or Dare with the Hetalia characters! List of characters you can use in first part! Updated occasionally! ACCEPTING REQUESTS PLEASE SEND THEM! 2P characters now available also!!