A/N Sorry

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Hey guys sorry I haven't really updated I have had a horrible week I mean just the past few days. Anyway I've mostly been reading fanfics or watching tv/youtube to take my mind off it so I'm very sorry about not updating.

Vietnam: Even Romano hugged her. I don't know what happened but Romano hugged her

Admin: It's true like legit I got a hug from Romano

Taiwan: She loves us all. We live in her house. Well some of us.

Admin: Roma was staying over with Feli

Belgium: We got cute pictures

Hungary: We're also trying to recruit Veneziano

Taiwan: Yep! Anyway, admin apologizes

Admin: I do

Taiwan: And wants you to know she will try to update as soon as she can, or when stuff has blown over.

Hungary: Or when she is able to move on.

Britain: It's ok love

Vietnam: This is a girls only meeting

Admin: It's ok. *hugs Britain*

Britain: *hugs*

Admin: Anyway, ILY all and I really am sorry for not updating!!

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