Chapter 15 - Trip to the town

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Night woke up in panic. He got so used to the white walls of the hospital, that he didn't realize he was in his new room. For a moment he got scared that someone kidnapped him or something.

After finally realizing where he was, he slowly got up and went to get himself dressed. Midnight then made his way downstairs and quietly tiptoed down the hall to the kitchen. The closer he got, the more the sound and smell of cooking became prominent.

Night carefully peeked into the kitchen. He saw Dream cooking something on the stove, while humming a familiar tune. To his dislike Cross was also present, doing something with the coffee machine? Is that what it was called?

He then finally stepped into the room with Dream imidietly greeting him with a cheerful smile. Meanwhile he and Cross just exchange an awkward good morning out of politeness.

“Come sit at the table, I made some eggs for breakfast.” Dream told Night and soon all of them sat down to enjoy their meal.

“I think it would be a good idea to head to town later. We could get you some decorations for your room and new clothes, so you won't have to borrow mine anymore. What do you say, Night?” Dream asked after finishing his breakfast.

Midnight stopped to think for a second. He doesn’t really like the idea, but he doesn't want to keep borrowing clothes from Dream either. So Night agreed.

— Later—

Dream and Night arrived at the small town. Looking around, Midnight had to agree that it actually looked pretty nice. Though there was still a deep paranoia following him everywhere. He couldn't stop himself from constantly looking over his shoulder or glancing at others around him to see if anyone was looking at him weirdly. Even if he got his brother with him, he just couldn't shake off the fear.

Back then, the old village had never been a safe place. He always had to look out for himself whenever he went there. Even if the people of this small town don't seem to pay any attention to him at all, this place still reminds him of the village.

Thankfully Night got himself distracted when Dream dragged him to the nearby clothing shop. There, he started to go through the many different pieces of clothing, trying to find something he likes. At first he didn't know what to even pick since he was so used to wearing one and the same outfit everyday. But soon he began to find some pretty neat stuff.
In the end he got himself a black hoodie, a soft purple sweater, black pants, loose shorts, some simple t-shirts and also this cute one with ‘bookworm’ written on it, that Dream suggested.

Later as they were on their way to get new shoes for him, Night had to stop for a moment. He caught the sight of a library. The look he gave his brother said it all. It was like a child asking their parent if they could go into the candy store. So of course they had to.

The local library looked quite big compared to the one they had in the old village. Night didn't even know where to start looking. They had so many different choices and genres that he hadn't even heard of before. They got held back there for quite a while.

Thankfully Midnight was able to overcome his indecisiveness and finally picked the last book he wanted to borrow. It was now time to move on somewhere else. He then got himself new shoes, a cute lamp, a small succulent plant and some other stuff. Night actually really began to enjoy this trip and stopped paying too much attention to others. But unfortunately it soon backfired for the unlucky skeleton.

As Night was looking around in one of the shops, he accidentally bumped into something. He quickly backed off in panic and looked up. A tall monster looked down at him with an annoyed expression.

“Watch where you're going.” Said the monster in a harsh tone. Night in response gave the other a quiet apology and immediately scrambled away. Suddenly all the paranoia came back to him. He went to find his brother right away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14 ⏰

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