Chapter 1 - Time to wake up

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He feels tired, so tired. He trembles at the cold feeling. His mind is so clouded and he can't even really focus on his thoughts. It feels like he hasn't slept in years. It'll be better to go back to sleep. He slowly loses consciousness and drifts back into his slumber...


Nightmare wakes up. Well, if you could call it that. His mind still can't grasp much, but he doesn't feel so numb.

He can hear something. Something far away... or is it right next to him? The sound seems to repeat, it's like something was beeping...What? It's so loud, but so muffled at the same time.

He tries to move, but instantly regrets it. A pain shoots through his body. He makes a groaning sound, but his throat feels so dry and sore. He tries to think, but even thinking seems to cause him a huge discomfort.

Then he hears something, something different from the repetitive sound. A voice. Was someone talking? He tries to understand, but it's like he's under water. Everything is so muffled, but loud too.

He slowly opens his eyes, but as soon as he does, an intense light immediately blinds him. He quickly closes them again. He tries to focus on the voice, but the more he tries the bigger his headache gets. He starts to feel like his head could burst from the pain. He can feel his mind slipping again. Trying to get rid of the awful agonizing feeling and trying to just go back to sleep. He cannot protest.


Nightmare wakes up again. This time everything feels much clearer, though still he's kinda dizzy and tired. He can hear the beeping sound again. He opens his eyes, taking a minute to get used to the light. Nightmare blinks a few times and finally is able to see. His fuzzy purple eyelights look around the room, trying to take in his surroundings.

It's white a lots of white everywhere. He is in a small room. Right across him on the wall hangs a small picture of some green hills with trees. On his left he can see a door and also a table with some little bottles and something he has no idea what it is. What is this place?

He looks over to his right, from where the beeping is coming from. His neck makes a cracking sound as he does. He sees a weird box with some kind of lights... Nightmare doesn't think he has ever seen anything like this before. There is also a window and a chair. Looks comfy. This whole place feels so weird. He looks down. He's lying in bed. His body is tucked under a white sheet. Where is he? Why is he here?

Then he tries to move his arm. It takes a bit but he is able to lift it slightly. His bones are shaking. He lets his hand fall back next to him. He feels really sore and just simple movement makes him so drained. What happened?

So many questions, but no answer. Nightmare tries to remember the last thing he was doing and maybe find some logical explanation. It takes a minute for his mind to clear.

He remembers sitting under their tree. It was a beautiful sunny day, no clouds in sight and he was reading a book. It was about a wizard trying to find his lost son or something like that. It was such a nice and calm moment...Until he saw a group of people from the village walking up the hill in the direction of their tree. Then they... then. Then what? His mind is all fuzzy and blurry again, he cannot remember. Why can't he remember?

He tries to replay it in his mind all over again, but nothing. Maybe again. He was under the tree, reading a book, Dream had gone to the village, he saw people walki- wait... Dream! Where was he? Where was the tree of feelings? He is supposed to guard it! Was he kidnapped by the villagers or something?! He definitely wouldn't put it past them, it seems like something they would do, but... this place... He might not spend much time in the village, though he is pretty sure there is no place that looks like this. Also if he was kidnapped wouldn't they tie him up?

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