Chapter 8 - Second needed hug ;)

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Nightmare slowly opens his eyes. He groans as the light hits him. He feels tired and dizzy. He can hear the machine next to him beeping. All that can be heard is the repetitive noise. He looks around. He is in the hospital, in his room, just with some new machinery by his side.

As his mind starts to clear up, he starts questioning his situation. What happened? Why does he feel so drowsy? Why did they attach him to some new equipment?

He tries to change his position and sit up better, but he struggles to do so. His body feels weak. He has been working so hard in his rehabilitation lessons and now it's like he is back in the beginning. He huffs in frustration.

He tries to think back to the last thing he remembers. It begins to slowly come back to him. He remembers what he heard in the hallway, then him feeling confused and betrayed and after that Dream came back and… Oh, dear.

Nightmare’s eyes widen at the realization. He snapped. At Dream. He never did something like that to his brother. He has been angry at Dream in the past, but he never yelled at him with such hatred. He would just scold him or give him silent treatment. Even at the time of his jealousy and resentment, he would sometimes just make a bit mean comment, but he never went that far. He was always the calm and collected one…

He can now clearly recall all the horrible words he threw at his twin. He regrets all of them. How did it even happen? He remembers being very angry. Why was he so angry? He knows that the idea of Dream lying really stung. He still feels a bit betrayed, though why would he snap like that? He remembers feeling THAT angry only at the villagers or the unfairness in his life, but Dream? Nightmare sighs. Guilt starts to fill his head. He was rightfully mad, but bringing his brother to tears like that was way out of line.

Suddenly the sound of the door snaps him out of his thoughts. He turns his head and is met with Doctor Toriel entering the room. “Oh, I am glad to see you awake, Nightmare.” The goat monster says with a soft smile. Nightmare also quietly greets her. Then she goes on and asks him a few questions about how he feels and all that.

“Your brother has been really worried about you. I am sure he would love to see you. But I thought it would be better if I checked with you first if you would like for him to visit.” Toriel lets him know. Nightmare looks away and thinks about it. He doesn't really want to confront the uncomfortable situation, but maybe it would be better if he had it quickly behind him then try hiding from it. He sighs and agrees to let Dream see him. Afterall he doesn't want to give his brother the impression that he is very mad at him and doesn't want to see him at all.

Toriel then leaves the room to get Dream, who is currently talking to her colleagues. A minute goes by and the door finally opens again. The golden skeleton walks in and carefully approaches Nightmare. He greets him with a nice hello and how do you feel. Then he takes a seat in the chair next to his bed. There is an uncomfortable silence between them for a moment. Both brothers feel unsure about how to approach what happened yesterday. Dream then finally finds the courage.

“I am sorry.” The golden guardian breaks the silence. Nightmare looks at him and can see remorse and regret on Dream's face. “I… I didn't mean to lie. I just didn't know how to tell you. I am so sorry.” Dream says with a quiet voice.

“... I am sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that.” Nightmare apologizes. “It's okay, Night. Your anger was justified.” Dream adds. “No, it wasn't justified. My actions went way too far. I was mad and then it got somehow out of control and I just snapped and I am sorry for that. You didn't deserve that.” The dark guardian utters. Dream feels thankful for the apology, but on the other hand he thinks he doesn't deserve it.

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