Chapter 7 - First needed hug :D

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Dream sits quietly right in front of his brother’s room in the white hall. The doctor's told him to wait outside while they handle the situation and find out what was wrong. They said they will come back to him later. So he just sits there, feeling like shit. He is still shocked by what just happened. Everything was going so well…

He nervously waits there with his head overtaken with worry and sorrow… It feels so unreal. Like a nightm- no, a bad dream that he never woke up from.

He snaps back to reality, when his phone starts ringing. He pulls it out of his pocket and looks at it. Incoming call. He stares at it for a minute and then he finally answers it. He hears a very familiar voice from the otherside. “Hey Dream.“

“… Hey Cross” He says, though his voice unexpectedly cracks up a bit. Cross picks up on the different tone.

“Is everything alright? Did something happen? You don't sound too good.” Cross tells him with a slight worry.

Dream sighs. He knows that his partner can tell when he tries to hide or avoid something. It doesn't leave him with much of a choice. “Um… yeah, you could say something happened. I-I…” He finds his words stuck in his throat. Dream’s mind is brought back to that horrible fight he just had with his brother. The thought of it makes him tear up all over again. “I-I mess-ed up, C-Cross. I messed up r-really bad.” Dream says, sobbing.

On the other side Cross gets really concerned. He notices the distress in Dream’s voice and tries to calm him down. Though he then decides that this shouldn't be handled over a phone call.

“You know what, I'll be there in a minute.” Cross lets him know as he abandons whatever he was doing at that moment and goes to grab his jacket. “Cross, you don't have to-”

“Nope, you sound like you are in need of a big hug, so I will be there as soon as possible.“ Dream wants to argue more, but he gives up in the end. “ Okay… thank you Cross.”

“No problem, sunshine.” The monochrome skeleton then ends the call and with the help of a portal gets into the Medicaltale, where Dream is staying. Not even a few minutes later he finds Dream sitting on a bench in one of the long hospital halls.

The first thing he does is give his boyfriend a big hug. Exactly how he promised. He holds Dream as he sobs into his shoulder, offering his support in his time of need.

“Would you like to tell me what happened?” Cross asks, trying to find out more information about the situation with Dream now being a bit more calmer. Dream nods in reply as he lets go of Cross and both of them sit down on the bench.

“Everything was great. Nightmare was recovering well. We talked things through, we had such a great time together and it was so nice and all and I finally bonded with my brother after so long, but… I screwed it up. I screwed up…When he asked about all of what happened I panicked a bit and-and I tried to not really talk about it, but I couldn't avoid it forever and I just didn't know how to tell him.” Dream started to talk a bit faster. “My brother is nothing like him and it just felt cruel to even compare them and I just ended up lying and somehow he found out and he was so angry and and-” “Whoa, slow down. Just breathe it out, okay?” Cross says with a soft tone with a hint of worry. Dream listens and slowly breathes in and out to calm down. Then he continues.

“I ruined it all over again. I messed up my relationship with him back then and now I am doing it again. I am scared that he won't trust me anymore…That I would always be a liar in his eyes” Dream says with a saddened voice. “He said it himself. I am just a dirty liar.”

Cross’s soul feels heavy as he hears his boyfriend say these harsh words. He hates seeing him so devastated. “Don't say that… “ Cross takes the golden guardian's hand and squeezes it gently. “You made a mistake, but you meant good… And I am sure your brother was just caught up in the moment and didn't mean it like that.” Cross tells his partner as he strokes his back.

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