Chapter 12 - The beautiful starry sky

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Sound of something being smashed and broken could have been heard. Then there was yelling. A lot of angry yelling. Though Nightmare couldn't understand much. Everything was so mouthled and blurry.

But there was someone standing in front of him. Unfortunately, for some reason he couldn’t make out much. They were just a blurry figure. Though he could tell that they were standing weirdly and were also staring at him. Are they hurt? Was he the one yelling?

Before Nightmare had a chance to focus more, his eyes got tired and he reluctantly closed them.

Then he woke up. He was back in his bed. It was just another weird nightmare. Probably just one of his lost memories as well. Another one he doesn't really understand.

He sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. It was clearly still very dark outside, so most likely he just woke up in the middle of the night. He should just go back to sleep, otherwise he'll feel tired the next entire day.

So he prepped up his pillow, closed his eyes and slowly drowsed off back to sleep, hoping that the rest of the night would go without a hitch.

Night woke up the next day to a bright light shining right at him from the nearby window. He yawned as he stretched his arms and legs. It didn't even take too long for Dream to barge in and wish him a loud good morning. At least he brought him some breakfast.

Things overall had been going pretty okay. He finally got the promised eye surgery. He had to wear an eye patch for four days. That was fun. Though his vision in that eyelight seems to be less distorted, so that's good.

Dream also had arranged a meeting with magic professionals. Apparently His doctors are planning to change and lower his medication that restraints his magic. Better control of his powers would probably come in handy. He definitely doesn't want to snap like last time.

“Are you sure you don’t want to take the wheelchair?” Dream asked, but backtracked, when Night gave him an annoyed look.

“I mean it’s not like I think you’re not capable enough. I have seen your amazing progress, but I just don't want you to hurt yourself in case of complications.” Dream told his brother.

Nightmare sighed. “I am sure. Don't worry, I'll be fine.” Nightmare said. He understands that Dream is worried, but he needs to stop relying on his wheelchair and stretch his legs with his walker a lot more often.

Both them slowly walked through the long white hospital halls to another part of the building. Soon they arrived in a surprisingly much more spacious room. There they were greeted by another skeleton.

“Heya, good to see ya, Dream and nice to meet you … Nightmare, right? My name's Fia.”

This was supposedly his new magical specialist to help him get a better control of his powers. Though he seems not as professional as Nightmare expected. He actually looks quite childish.

“I am really happy and thankful that you agreed to my offer, Fia.” Dream said with a smile.

“No problem, my friend. Just the amount of paperwork was a bit annoying.” The skeleton complained.

“Yeah, really sorry about that. We just need to ensure my brother's safety.” Dream explained.

“No need for apologies, friend. Afterall, favors for favors. Am I right?” Fia said with a grin.“

Okay, the more this guy talks the more Nightmare is convinced that he is not qualified for this in any way possible, which feels slightly concerning. Dream, where did you find this guy? Nightmare questioned in his head.

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