Chapter 3 - Check up

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The nurse arrived after a few minutes of Dream just trying to somehow explain to Nightmare things he himself doesn't really understand. The nurse greets both of them and brings over the medicine.

“I got some medication I need you to take.” The nurse says  and then offers Nightmare three tablets and a cup of water. “Here's also some water to help you swallow.”

Nightmare takes it from the nurse, but feels really unsure. He has never seen medicine that looked like this. He didn't really want to swallow something unknown given by a stranger.

The nurse is waiting for him to take it and he is unsure about what to do. He looks at his brother for help. Dream sees the nervousness and tries to reassure him.

“It's just some pills that will help you and make you feel better. There is no need to worry. Really.“

He might not really trust the nurse, but he trusts Dream. He looks down at his hand and sighs. He swallows the pills and ends up finishing the whole cup of water. His throat still feels sore.

Finally the nurse leaves. Dream looks over at Night worried. He knows Nightmare is uncomfortable and doesn't want to give his trust to anyone, but he will have to spend a lot of time here and he for sure doesn't want his brother to be on guard and stressed too much.

“Night? I know that everything is probably very new to you and unknown, but I want to let you know that you are safe here. These people just want to help you and no one is here to get you.” Dream gives Nightmare a small smile. Though then his expression changes to a rather sad one.

“People here aren't like in the village… I promise.”

Nightmare's mind freezes after Dream's last words. Does he… Does he know? Does he know about what the villagers did to him? He tried his best to hide it from his brother, scared of the outcome. He didn't want any of the possible nightmarish scenarios he made in his head to come to life. But… the truth must have come out at some point.

“Do you… Do you know?” Nightmare asks in a low voice.

“… yes.” Dream whispers with a heavy weight in his soul. “I am sorry, I am so sorry…” A tear forms in the corner of his socket. His voice trembles at the thought of his brother getting beat up by the people he once thought were his friends. He should have been there. He should have stopped them.

Dream wipes the tears away before they can spill. He has to compose himself. He cannot have another breakdown in front of Nightmare again.

Nightmare's soul aches again at the sight of his brother. He feels like crying, spilling out all his feelings he has been holding in. Telling Dream everything the villagers had done to him. He opens his mouth, but no words come out. He just starts crying, burying his face in his hands.

Somehow a big weight is lifted from his soul. He never wanted him to know, but hearing Dream acknowledge what happened and not trying to deny it in any way or call Nightmare a liar makes his soul feel so light.

He always thought that if Dream ever knew about it, he would not believe it or try to make up excuses for his “friends”. But it was the opposite now. His brother was so apologetic and guilty. Even with his mind clouded with so many thoughts he could hear Dream apologizing to him and blaming himself.

He… never wanted that. He never wanted his brother to blame himself. It wasn't his fault. Yes, he has to admit, he sometimes felt resentful towards Dream for never really noticing… but he never wanted Dream to blame himself like this.

It took a while for both of them to fully calm down and have a normal short conversation about it. Nightmare explained his fears and the reasons why he never told him. Dream felt sad and guilty knowing that Nightmare didn't trust him enough to tell him.

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