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A few weeks later, I found myself smack in the middle of yet another office drama moment—because of course, I can’t seem to go a month without some sort of disaster. This time, it wasn’t just chismis or Kyle’s pa-cute antics. Nope, this was serious.

We were in a super important meeting with some big-shot investors—big-shot, as in, one wrong move and they could make or break the entire project. Naturally, I was already sweating bullets. Hello, investors! Like, life-altering, money-flashing, ‘don’t-mess-this-up’ kind of investors!

And knowing me, I couldn’t just sit there quietly, do my job, and survive the meeting like a normal person. Nope, I had to mess up—BIG TIME.

It started out innocently enough. The head architect was presenting our design plans, and my one job was to pull up the files on the projector. One job, Asha. ONE. Easy, right? WRONG.

I clicked something, probably the wrong button—because of course I did—and the entire presentation screen flickered like a bad horror movie before completely disappearing. BOOM. Just like that.

The room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Then one of the main investors, who looked like he could transform into the Hulk at any moment, stood up. “What is happening here? This is unacceptable!” His voice boomed across the room.

OH MY GOD, KAININ NA AKO NG LUPA. Please, pwede bang mag-time travel ako pabalik sa oras na hindi pa ako nagkamali?

I frantically scrambled to fix the problem, my fingers flying across the keyboard like a possessed chicken, but my brain had already packed its bags and left the building. “Uh… s-sorry, I think the file… uh, it’s loading?”

Girl, that’s not loading. That’s what you call crashing.

The investor’s face was turning a lovely shade of tomato-red. “We are wasting valuable time here!”

Okay, this is it. This is the day I lose my job, get banned from the architecture world, and live in a cave forever.

Just as the tears were starting to well up—seriously, I was about two seconds away from bawling like a baby—a hand reached over and gently took the mouse from me. It was Kyle. He leaned in, flashing one of his award-winning pogi smiles, and said, “Don’t worry, sir. I’ve got it under control.”


In less than a minute—and I swear he barely broke a sweat—Kyle clicked a few buttons, worked some computer magic, and boom, the file reappeared on the screen like nothing had happened. The entire presentation was back, smooth as butter. He turned to the investor, still smiling that panty-dropper smile (not mine, though, thank you very much), and said, “Sorry for the delay, sir. We can continue now.”

The investor’s scowl softened, and he nodded, grumpy but impressed. Whew, crisis averted. But OMG, was I just saved by Kyle? The Kyle?!

I sat there, trying not to hyperventilate. Okay lang, Asha. Hindi ka pa fired. But what just happened?

The meeting wrapped up, and I grabbed my stuff, planning to disappear into the nearest hiding spot. But of course, Kyle caught up with me as I was speed-walking out of the conference room.

“Hey, Asha,” he called, leaning against the wall like he was in a romcom scene. Luh, bakit ba kailangan niyang mag-lean like that?

I turned around, face still probably red from all the stress. “Uh, yeah?” Please don’t bring up my epic fail!

“You okay? You looked like you were about to pass out back there.” He grinned, his eyes glinting with that familiar amusement. Sana all, natatawa siya sa near-death experience ko.

I sighed, shoulders slumping. “Yeah. Thanks for, uh, saving me. I seriously thought that investor was going to fire me on the spot.”

Kyle chuckled, crossing his arms—okay, fine, his biceps are nice, whatever. “No problem. You just have to stay calm in those situations, or you’ll end up making it worse.”

“Stay calm,” I repeated, blinking at him like he’d just suggested I start doing yoga with the Hulk. “Sure. I’ll, uh, try that next time.” Next time?! NOOOO, there can’t be a next time!

Kyle smiled, that annoyingly perfect smile that could probably convince anyone to do anything. “You did fine. Everyone makes mistakes. But hey, if you ever need help again, just let me know. I’ve got your back.” He winked, like we were in on some private joke. Wait, what is this? Flirting? Hero act? Or is he just… nice?

AHHHH BRAIN MALFUNCTION! My brain was officially short-circuiting. NO, ASHA. Focus! This is the one-night stand king. He is NOT a hero, he’s a certified flirt. But then again… he did just save me from getting fired.

I forced a smile, trying to act normal—whatever that means when a pogi guy with muscles just rescued you. “Thanks. I’ll, uh, keep that in mind.”

Kyle smirked, his eyes twinkling like he knew exactly what he was doing to my fragile nerves. “Don’t be a stranger, Asha.” And with that, he strolled away, leaving me standing there like a confused, kilig-mixed mess.

I hurried back to my desk, heart racing and mind spinning. Girl, what is happening?! Did I just get saved by the office playboy? Am I supposed to be grateful? Is this his way of reeling me in? My brain was SCREAMING red flags, but then again, my heart was all, ‘Hmm, maybe he’s not so bad? Maybe he’s changing?’

But no. I shook my head. Asha, get it together. This is the guy with a PhD in flings! Just because he saved you from a work disaster doesn’t mean he’s turned into some Wattpad hero. I mentally slapped myself. Girl, we’re smarter than this!

Still, I couldn’t help but replay the scene in my head. The way his biceps flexed when he took the mouse, the way he smiled confidently at the investor, the way his voice was calm and reassuring… UGH, bakit ba siya ang pogi?! It’s unfair!

But then I snapped out of it. Nope, nope, nope. I was not about to fall into his trap. Kyle might’ve saved me today, but there was no way I was going to let my guard down and become another chapter in his one-night-stand anthology.

With a deep breath, I sat back at my desk, determined to focus on work and ignore the pogi distractions. “Work muna, Asha. Wala kang oras sa F boy na ‘yan.”

And with that, I buried myself in AutoCAD, blocking out every single kilig thought, determined to survive the day without falling for Kyle’s charms. Kaya mo ‘to, girl. Matatag ka! Mahina lang yung coffee move, pero ikaw, HINDI!

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