It was 2am by the time Eli pulled up into the driveway of my house to drop me off. "Thanks for coming, I know you weren't too ecstatic to be there" he laughed.
"What gave you that impression" I rolled my eyes but laughed too. "Want to finish our project tomorrow?" he asks while I'm reaching for the car door. "Yeah, I guess" I reply secretly hating the idea of this project being over.
Although he is a bit of a pain in the ass and I don't think I will ever fully understand him, he's grown on me, and I know this will be the end of the line for our communication. "Cool, can I come over around 6? We can get dinner before we start" he says with a slight smile forming on his lips.
"Sounds good" I reply not being able to help the smile that escapes. "Goodnight Miles" he says which sends shivers down my spine. I push them down and get out of the car. "Goodnight Eli" I reply as I close the door and walk up to my front porch. He waits for me to get inside before driving away.
I couldn't help but think about Eli while trying to fall asleep. I couldn't like him could i? I mean I've never thought of myself as gay before, I've really never liked another guy that I can think celebrities count?, but Eli he's just different, he makes me feel.... Different.
Oh god look at me, I've fallen for his trap, of course I feel this way about him, this is what he does to people. His perfect body, how he towers over anyone he's next to, his fluffy wavy perfect brown hair, his big blue eyes, and that classic wide smile. No No No. I can't be gay, I'm already an outcast a school, this would only make me more of a target.
Plus, even if I did like Eli, it wouldn't matter, he's so clearly straight, he was repulsed by the idea someone even mentioned the idea of him being gay. What am I even thinking, of course I don't like Eli like that, so it doesn't matter, sure maybe he made me react that one time or anytime he touches me I get shivers, but that doesn't mean anything, I like girls, I have to like girls.
I just like the attention he's giving me that's all, I'm attention starved. The way I feel like I can tell him anything, yet I have no reason to, the way he opens up to me about things like he can't tell anyone else. Ugh, I'm just tired, yeah that's it, I need to go to bed, and these thoughts will be all gone, I don't like Eli at least not like that.
The next morning, I felt terrible, I don't think I got enough sleep to fuel me, but it was already 12pm and my mom had been yelling at me for hours to get up. I finally get enough energy to roll out of bed and get in the shower.
I then continued with my daily routine which included getting dressed, brushing my hair which was soaked from washing it, brushing my teeth, and making my bed. Man, I don't know how girls spend an hour getting ready every day.
I finally make my way downstairs where my parents were and they greeted me with a classic "Good afternoon, glad you can join us today" comment. I make my way into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat and I see Asher.
"Oh, by the way, Eli's coming over at 6 today" I inform him making my way to the fridge. "Again? When is this project over" he whines. "We'll finish it today, then he's out of your hair" I laugh grabbing eggs out of the fridge. I start cracking them into a bowl and whisking them while Asher watches.
"How come you're allowed to call him Eli, he doesn't let anyone else call him that but Aaron" Asher complains while crossing his arms and staring into my soul like I'd possibly know the answer.
"I don't know, he just likes me better then you I guess" I laugh giving Asher an eyeroll as I put the eggs into the pan on the stove. "Oh please, you don't benefit him in any way after this project is over, like what would you guys even talk about?" he questions watching me scramble my eggs. "We seemed to talk just fine at the party" I rubbed in Ashers face who looked stunned at me before shaking his head and walking away.
Once I finished scrambling my eggs, I made some toast and begun eating my breakfast, well more like lunch at that point. My dad then walks into the kitchen looking behind him to see if my mom had followed. "So, where did you go last night" he whispers to me.
My eyes widen in horror as I must have done a terrible job sneaking out. "Relax, I'm not mad at you, Asher sneaks out all the time, I was just surprised to see you leave last night" he says yet again whispering.
"How do you know?" I question looking behind me to make sure mom isn't around. "I installed a secret camera years ago when all those porch pirates were in the news, now I just use it to keep tabs on you guys to make sure you make it home" he says slyly, "so where were you" he questions.
"I went to a party, I didn't drink, I swear" I ramble to him crossing my fingers he won't be mad. "Hey, I was a teenager to you know, I just want you guys to be safe that's all. You've never given me a reason not to trust you" he reassures me.
I smile at him "does mom know about this?" I ask due to him constantly looking around. "No are you crazy!? She'd never be ok with you guys leaving the house that late, this stays between us and if she ever finds out you've snuck out, I have no clue about it ok?" he tells me quietly still scanning the area to make sure she doesn't come around the corner.
I laugh and nod and he starts to walk away before he looks back at me "oh and that guy you were with, he's a good guy, I like how he waited for you to get in the house safely, you should keep him around" he smirks at me before walking around the corner which immediately makes me turn bright red.
What is that supposed to mean? He doesn't think... no he can't think that. I mean my parents have never had an issue with gay people but their own son? I'm looking way to into this, he probably just meant he likes seeing me with a friend since I don't hang out with people a lot and when I do its rather Callie or Oliver. He likes seeing me interact with new people that's all.
Mr. Anderson seems to know whats up haha
I have decided to start putting song links at the top, but don't take them to seriously, doesn't necessarily mean anything
Hope you all enjoyed this longer chapter :)

Until I Found You
RomanceMiles Anderson hasn't always been the most known boy at school, but Elijah Quinn on the other hand, is apart of the popular crowd. Elijah (Eli), is the star quarterback of the football team and while he has a bunch of people willing to talk to him...