The following day Eli was indeed outside my house in the morning ready to take me to school.
Asher found it slightly weird that Eli was doing this but didn't make it a big deal like I thought he would. Maybe he really was glad to get rid of me.
I spared Eli today on the fact that he lied to me, mostly because I was too tired to argue with him this morning but best believe I will bring it up later.
In all honesty I was kind of glad Eli wanted to drive me to school, due to the project now being over, this will be the only reason we see each other from now on so at least I still get to hang out with him, even if it is for a short period of time.
School went by rather quickly today with nothing too exciting. Which I was glad about because me, Callie, and Oliver were going to bake cookies today after school and hang out since we hadn't seen each other out of school.
Once we all got back to my house, we got all of the ingredients out and began to read our recipe.
"I like a lot of chocolate in my cookies" Oliver tells us in which we nod "as long as there isn't more chocolate than cookie" I laugh.
Then the doorbell rang in which I sighed "my mom and all these packages, I swear she's addicted to online shopping" I laugh as I walk over to the door and both Oliver and Callie follow me.
"Eli?" I ask opening the door to reveal him to the others. He smiles and sees the others behind me.
"Oh, shoot sorry, I should have asked to come over" he says apologetically.
"Yeah you really should have" Callie says smugly. "Callie be nice!" I warn her. "Damn, what are you guys, a hate club against me?" he laughs in which I laugh along.
The other two didn't find it near as funny, mostly because they kind of are.
"Come inside" I say backing up from the door to let him in. "Oh no, that's ok, I don't want to intrude" he says backing up.
"You aren't, right guys?" I say giving them the warning face. "No not at all!" Oliver finally says trying to sound sincere. Which he did a good job at, I could only tell he didn't mean it because I know him.
Eli bought it though and came in. "Why aren't you at football?" I ask him headed back to the kitchen. The rest of the group follows, and I can see Eli trying to figure out what we're doing in here.
"Oh, football was kind of cut short today" he tells me looking at the recipe.
"Oh really? Where's Asher" I question in which he shrugs "I don't know, I think he went to hang out with friends" he tells me. I nod and continue to explain to him what we're doing, if it wasn't already obvious.
Callie and Oliver then begin telling Eli horror stories about my past baking experiences in which he laughs about.
I was a little worried about them all getting along but now I wish they wouldn't. "Ok ok that's enough" I finally tell them while they are still trying to contain themselves.
"You set an oven on fire one time, and you never hear the end of it!" I complain which only makes them laugh harder.
Once they were finally able to get themselves together, I start assigning tasks. "Eli, can you get that bowl up there" I say pointing at the large mixing bowl on the top shelf of the cabinet. He nods and reaches up to grab it.
"What's that?" Callie says pointing at a very large and dark bruise on Eli's stomach that became noticeable when he was reaching for the bowl.
"Oh my god" I say as he put the bowl down and makes sure his shirt is down. "It's nothing" he says casually moving the bowl to where we were baking.
"Nothing? That bruise covers half your stomach!" I nag in which he ignores. "So, are you going to tell us?" Oliver asks after a long period of silence.
"Just from football" he shrugs grabbing the bag of flour. "Oh, is that why practice was cut short?" Callie asks pouring the correct measurement of salt into the mixture. "yup" he responds finally pouring in the flour.
"Do you need some ice or something, that doesn't look too good" I tell him walking towards the freezer in which he stops me. "I'm fine, I swear" he says looking into my eyes.
It catches me by surprise, how close we are, and I stare into his eyes what feels like ages, until he breaks it up by throwing flour on me. Oh god did he notice that? "Oh, it is on!" I yell grabbing flour and throwing it at him.
Soon enough everyone is running around throwing flour at each other and the kitchen is a mess as well as us.
Eventually we call a truce and finish up the batter for the cookies. While the cookies are baking, we clean up the mess of a kitchen and chat about random things.
Come to find out Callie and Oliver get along great with Eli so maybe now they can't roll their eyes when I tell them he isn't as bad as we had thought.
Once the kitchen is clean and the cookies are finally out of the oven, we all dig in and enjoy our work. "Alright, well I have to head out" Callie tells us and Oliver nods "yeah I do to, thanks for the ruined clothes" he laughs pointing to all the flour he still has on him.
Me and Eli walk both of them out before heading back in. "Your friends aren't too bad" he laughs exaggerating the "too" as he returns to the kitchen to eat another cookie. "I'm sure they'd say the same about you" I laugh before taking a bite of a cookie myself.
"Shoot what time is it" he says looking at his phone. "I have to go" he says in a rush as he walks towards the door.
Before he can open the door, Asher is walking in and looking surprised to see him.
"What are you doing here? Why weren't you at practice?" he asks putting his stuff down on the ground.
I look at Eli immediately which makes him turn to me. I can tell he's trying to figure out what to say to me but can't think of anything so instead we are both just starring at each other nervously.
"Oh shit, what did I just walk in on" Asher says anxiously trying to break up the tension.
Eli snaps out of it and looks back at Asher "Was just tired that's all" he says before headed past him through the door in which I follow.
I can tell Eli doesn't want to talk so he's walking fast but I catch up to him and grab his arm anyway and he turns around.
Yay another chapter complete, enjoy!

Until I Found You
RomanceMiles Anderson hasn't always been the most known boy at school, but Elijah Quinn on the other hand, is apart of the popular crowd. Elijah (Eli), is the star quarterback of the football team and while he has a bunch of people willing to talk to him...