Chapter 20

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It Is 5:30pm and my parents are calling for me to hurry up from downstairs. I race downstairs, "okay I'm ready" I say catching my breath. "About time" my mom nags walking towards the garage where the car parks. We all get in the car and head out the door.

Yup I am headed to the football game with my parents.... The good news is I did convince Oliver and Callie to come so I won't actually have to sit with my parents, they are just used for my ride as Asher had to be there before hand and my parents were already going to the game, they go to every game.

Once we arrive to the school, my dad parks and I'm practically sprinting out of the car. No offense to my parents, but I definitely don't need to be seen walking in with them, I'm not popular now and that definitely won't help. Ironically this is probably how Asher feels about me.

I find Callie already sitting in the bleachers farthest away from people and go sit down next to her. I like the spot she chose, its away from everyone so it's not to loud. 

"Thank god you're here, I'm already tired of this game and it hasn't even started" she complains. "Yeah, well thanks for coming, you're the best" I say sucking up to her but she just sighs. "Yeah, yeah save it"

"what's up guys" Oliver says sitting down beside us. "How was your little date with Elijah last night huh" he jokes. "It was not a date" I groan but they both just laugh. 

"Are you sure?" Callie nags and I lightly shoulder her "I'm not gay" I tell them in reassurance, although really, I'm not sure who I'm trying to reassure at this point. "But if you were..." Callie starts to joke but backs off once she sees my glare.

Finally, it was 6 and the game was beginning. I have to admit, Eli was very good. I had never seen him play before and I really don't know the rules, so I don't actually know if he's doing good, but I've seen him throw the ball, run it and it all looks very smooth. He's taken a few nasty falls from being tackled but he always gets back up.

"When does this thing finish?" Oliver complains which makes me chuckle. "I honestly have no idea, hopefully soon" I say yawning. 

"I never thought I'd be out here in the cold watching men throw a ball around so you could hang out with Elijah" Callie groans. 

"that's not the reason!" I argue but they both groan "it is the reason, think about it, he asked you to come, so now you need us to come so you aren't alone in the crowd, and you're only coming why? To hang out with him after?" Oliver nags. "You are not being very supportive right now" I laugh

"I'm trying but it's hard when its so cold" he groans in which me and Callie laugh to. "I am glad you guys came tonight; it would have been absolutely miserable without you" I tell them in which they smile to.

Finally, after what felt like a lifetime of freezing, the game was over and to no surprise our school won. "I am totally out of here" Callie says getting up. "Me to" Oliver says following. 

"Guys!" I say following them. We walk over to Callie's car, and she gets in and blasts the heat. Me and Oliver get in and warm up.

All of us talk and stay warm for about 20 minutes until Eli shows up outside the car. I get out and Callie rolls down the window. "Nice game" she tells Eli, and he smiles. "Thanks for coming guys" he says to them both and they nod "have fun" Oliver pipes up before me and Eli head off. 

We get to Eli's car, and he turns the heat on "it really is cold out there" he laughs, and I nod "it was freezing" I laugh. "Thanks for coming, I know you and your friends aren't fans" he laughs. "There were definitely complaints" I add

We decide to go back to my house to watch a movie as we were both cold and thought a blanket sounded nice. 

"Sorry it took me so long after the game, I had to shower" he tells me as we drive back to my house, "yeah I figured, I would have rather you shower anyway" I laugh. "Fair enough" he laughs.

Once we got to my house, we headed up the stairs and into my room. To my surprise no one was home yet, which was actually better as I could raid the pantry all I wanted for snacks. 

Not that my parents would have cared if they were here, it's just more awkward to do when someone watching you. I grab some microwave popcorn and put it in the microwave and grabbed some sweets I found. Once the popcorn was done, I went back upstairs with the goodies.

When I entered my room, I see Eli by my desk. "So, you were planning to return this to me" he laughs looking at the sweatshirt. I roll my eyes "I told you I was" I groan putting the snacks down on the bed.

Eli walks over grabbing some popcorn. I take the remote and open Netflix to find something for us to watch. 

We both sit down on the bed discussing movies when I see Eli keep shifting. "You, okay?" I ask and he nods "yeah" he replies looking back at the tv. "You sure?" I ask again. "Yeah, I'm fine, I think I just tweaked my back or shoulder or something tonight" he laughs in which I nod. 

After a couple more minutes of scrolling through movies we decided on a horror film.

"When I can't sleep tonight it will be your fault" I tell him in which he chuckles to. "You think it will be that bad" he laughs in which I nod. 

He rolls his shoulder once again in which I pause the movie "are you sure your alright? You look like you're in pain" I tell him

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry" he responds. "Can I do anything to help? Do you need ice?" I ask in which he shakes his head. "I'm really ok" he chuckles in which I sigh but turn the movie back on.

30 minutes in and it's getting pretty scary, I even jump a few times in which Eli laughs to but grabs my arm to calm me. Throughout the 30 minutes I couldn't help but notice how much pain Eli looks like he's in. It seems like he can't get comfortable and keeps rolling his shoulder.

 Eventually I can't take it anymore and pause the movie. Eli chuckles because he already knows "I'm fine" he laughs in which I shake my head "I'm sorry but I'm worried" I tell him in which he nods "I know, but seriously I am ok, my back is just sore that's all, it happens" he explains to me.

I reach over with one of my hands and rub the shoulder he's been rolling. He groans but I can tell it feels good. "Ok lay down" I say in which he looks at me questioningly "what?" 


Longer chapter today, yay! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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