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Name: Serafima Yenin

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Country: Russia

Training Score: 7.5

Weapon of Choice: Crossbow

Appearance: Serafima is a tan thin girl that loves to be outside in the sun. She's very tall for her age and from under her untidy and golden brown hair peeks eyes of hazel that remind you of the forests. Serafima is very quiet when around people she doesn't know, but once she makes some friends she's very friendly and kind. Serafima is very kind, she tries to be kind to everyone. Serafima's father taught her how to use the crossbow. Every Sunday they would go out and practice using the crossbow. She even learned how to make one from wood. Serafima is also very quick and is good at running.

Strengths: Serafima is good with a crossbow and is very quick and stealthy. She is also very good at running. Serafima is well known for being very intelligent and making a plan for most things she does. She's very good at math and knows which plants are good to eat and which are poisonous. Serafima is pretty good with most ranged weapons and isn't too bad with a bow.

Weaknesses: Serafima's biggest weakness is she's very emotional. If someone that was her friend died she would have a very tough time getting over it. She also isn't very good at fighting hand-to-hand or with a sword or something like it. One of Serafima's worst fears are snakes, she would run from any kind of snake.

User: _NOT_marissa

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