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Name: Neha Bhavsar

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Country: India

Training Score: 7

Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow

Appearance: Neha has light brown skin and slightly darker eyes. Her waist-length hair used to be a dense black, but it's slowly becoming more brown from the chlorine in swimming pools. Neha thinks her hair is really annoying, being so long, but her mom won't let her cut it off. To keep it out of her way, she braids it and twists it into a bun. She has some pimples, but her breakout isn't too bad. Overall, she's pretty normal looking, nothing exceptionally beautiful or ugly.

Strengths: Neha is smart. The smart star of her school. The all-A's student. The bookworm. The nerd. A trick by the Gamemakers? She'd probably anticipate it if it happened in something she'd read. Clues left by a tribute- footprints, twigs? She'd be able to follow the tribute- or go the opposite direction. People say she's read too many books for her own good, but she'd be able to think when she can't find food or water. Go towards the greener plants, follow the animals. She'd remember her training, the plants to eat and not to eat. It's just like a tricky test at school, but with potentially life-threatening consequences. Most- not all, but most- of the tricks are ones she'd be able to figure out. Neha loves- LOVES- to swim. It's her only official sport, and she does it well. She can cut through the water faster than her friends, her form perfect. Years of practicing have yielded an exceptional swimmer. That is, she can swim fast and long, but she's not perfect- she can't hold her breath for more than a minute, and she slows substantially after a bit of fast swimming. Neha isn't scared of heights- not at all! Jumping off a tree? No problem. Climbing a tree, for that matter? No problem. The only reason she'd hesitate is because her brain is telling her that her leg could break or her ankle could sprain. At least climbing trees or mountains, or cliffs, isn't particularly hard for her. Neha isn't a particularly fast sprinter, but she can keep up the pace for a long time. Sprinting to the center of the Cornucopia would be hard, but hiking through a forest would be fine.

Weaknesses: Neha has a couple of fears that could be really bad. Flies. She has something against them, with their creepy big eyes and buzz. If a fly comes near her, it takes all her self control to not run away screaming. (Silly, I know, but I do the same. It's irrational, but I can't help it.) Also, she is really scared of being alone in the dark. It's a childish fear, but she still has it. It's not the dark that gets to her- it's the part of being alone, with no living thing in sight. The solitude is what she's scared of. This might result in something irrational, such as going to a dangerous place with other tributes rather than not, just to see other people.Neha can be debilitatingly shy. Maybe this comes from the people who bully her for being too smart, for being too kind, for being a show off- but either way, it's there. This might prevent sponsors from considering her, as she would rarely reveal anything about herself. This could also have potential allies not consider her. Also, Neha is kind. Empathic. A little too much. If a human being is hurt, she will go and help the person, whether or not the person is an enemy. This could earn her allies- but it could also mean her death. That is to say, she might not actually talk- she is shy, after all, but she would try to help.

User: Isenfyre

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