Task Two: Start The Events

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The Gamemakers watched eagerly as the tributes were preparing to enter their creation. Each one, besides Amy of course, were waiting anxiously to see the reactions on of the world when they see what they had added. Originality was a major goal for everyone, especially for when it came to President Uriel Snow. 

"I don't know about your tributes, but I believe Aime won't have a problem in the Arena." Kateryna boasted, for she favored her the most.

"Is that so?" Esmerelda replied. "Well I believe Emily will trump your beliefs!"

Before either of them could start an argument, Amy intervened. "Now now, this time I have decided to give the underdogs a chance, right Dionysus?"

They all turned to her, in which she answered with a nod. Kat and Mer sighed, each beginning to work  quietly for the rest of the preparation.

As the others were finishing up, Amy moved to the center of the room where a microphone waited patiently for her announcement. She flipped a switch along its side, causing a small echo throughout the room. The switch also made a small projection appear, meeting her with a screaming crowd of Capitol citizens.

"Attention Panem! The first ever international games is here! The wonderful tributes you have bet on will be fighting to the death in a matter of minutes, so cross your fingers and hope for the best! The Gamemakers and I have ensured our Arena will be as exciting as the tributes' can bear, so sit back, and let the games begin!"

The cheers of the Capitol pierce through the speakers, filling each Gamemaker with giddy as they admire their work.

It is time, as mentioned, to let the games begin.


Welcome tributes to Task Two! In this task, you will need to describe your character's experience in the Bloodbath! Whether your tribute goes for it and starts slaying people, or they simply run away in hopes of surviving, it is important to know the different places around you. Besides writing the entry, deaths, etc., you will also need to list the direction you want to go (please refer to DA RULES + INFO chapter for the mark scheme). There are four directions; North, South, East, and West, and each direction is different.

The Cornucopia is fairly basic. It sits on a flat stone surface, and there are jagged areas between the tributes' paths. If need be, a person could push someone into the pointy rocks, ending in a nasty impaling.

To the North are vast mountains topped with blankets of snow. If you look carefully, you can see many traditional oriental  buildings on top. It would be easy to hide from tributes, but the trek can be dangerous depending on how you approach it. The bitter cold can cut you like a knife if you're not careful.

To the South is an Amazon style forest, littered with rare and newly created plants. Amongst the trees are small huts and bridges, keeping you hidden but simultaneously making you paranoid of them breaking. This a good place to stay away from the elements, but it would be hard to escape the enemy with it's complex system of structures and nature alike.

To the West is an abandoned city, closely resembling the Capitol. This is to remind us of what can happen with a radical government as well as equally radical rebels. Among the remains are hidden supplies, and they can be yours if you don't mind dodging random concrete avalanches. Besides the area being generally unsafe, or if you just happen to be unlucky, you can always make supplies from the materials around you.

To the East is a small desert village. There isn't a lot there honestly, but the space is littered with small mud structures as well as an abundance in animals. If you manage to take down a camel or giant lizard, you could have a pretty good meal that night. As it will most likely be an unpopular choice, you could live safely if you are able to find some water.


All entries must be due by August 11, 2015 at 10pm GMT!!! Any entries turned in after that will not count!!!

There is NO WORD LIMIT this round, but I will stop reading at 1000 words if I get bored.

For this task, you can have up to 5 deaths, whether you cause it or not. However it is not required for anyone to die in your entry. You also have up to 3 ballots, in which you can use to secretly kill someone. Your ballots HAVE TO be different than the people you kill. Sponsored tributes can kill 6 people and have 4 ballots.

As mentioned earlier, Amy has decided to sponsor some underdogs! For this round, Caroline Vivens and Mai Li are sponsored. Each of you will receive feedback on your previous entry as well as a bonus point added to your total score. This way The Gamemakers can help some people make their way to the top!

If you have any questions, feel free to comment them or pm me.

Good Luck!


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