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Name: Skye Finley

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Country: UK

Training Score: 10

Weapon Of Choice: Bow and Arrow

Appearance: Skye's skin is pale, almost completely white with the exception of the slight pink usually present on her smooth cheeks. Her hair is a sandy dark blonde that she usually wears to the side. Her eyes are a shade of blue that would look grey depending on the light and the colours she chooses to wear. She is smaller than most people her age but she uses her size to her advantage and is skilled in taking down larger opponents.

Skye is manipulative, she likes to give off the appearance that she's just a small girl with nothing going for her but her good looks. She acts like a complete airhead and people tend to treat her like one too, but that's exactly what she wants. She wouldn't think twice about stabbing someone in the back -literally- if she think it will get her what she wants.

Strengths: Skye is an amazing archer, she has been using the bow and arrows since she was old enough to hold a bow and has enjoyed hunting with her older brother since she was ten years old, it's very rare that she misses a target.

She is also a master at manipulation, she pretends to be a scared little girl with no brains making people underestimate her. Fr some reason people tend to trust her far easier than the should but she like s that.

She is also good at climbing. When she was younger she was always found up trees and sometimes she would even climb mountains with her brother.

Weaknesses: Skye can't stand the heat. Where she lives it's usually cold and wet but when it gets too warm she can't stand it. Due to her fair complexion she burns really easily in the hot sun.

She has a bad temper, it doesn't take much to set her off and when she's angry she never thinks clearly.

She also doesn't work well with others, Skye prefers to be alone most of the time but she also knows that she needs others around for her façade of innocence to work. She needs people to be around to believe she is weak, she just hates having them around.

User: Harley_Quinn_18

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