Task Two: Entries

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   I apologize for the delay everyone! But never fear, a whole bunch of entries are here!


I am currently hunched over a toilet, puking up the food I did manage to eat, when Lilette shoves the door open. "Emily, dear, it's time to go." Panic claws at my throat, and for a second I can't breathe, as more food crams itself out of my mouth.

"Lilette," I croak, my voice barely more than a whisper due to the vomiting. "I can't..."

She waves my plea away. "Nonsense, you're just nervous." She may have been right, but I didn't have to be happy about it. "Let's get going, if the games start without you you'll be executed on the spot, and America's survival will rely on a thirteen year-old boy. Honestly Emily, you're only a year older, how many boys in your class would you trust with your life? Hmm?"

I couldn't stop the nervous laugh. "I guess none."

She smiled at me, but her eyes were tinged with sadness, and held out a hand. "Come on, Emily. Your country needs you." I guess I should feel lucky I got Lilette as an escort. She wasn't as terrible as she looked.

Resolved, I stood. I squared my shoulders, brushed my bangs out of my eyes, set my jaw, and put on my game face. "I'm ready." I stepped forward, but didn't take her hand. I didn't know who would see me if I did, and I wasn't about to be overlooked because I needed to hold my escorts hand.

We walked down the hallway, and entered a hovercraft landing zone. One was already waiting, and a small part of me was excited. A small part, because, while riding in a hovercraft is pretty neat, there was still the whole deal where I might not wake up tomorrow. I was enjoying myself for the first time since before the reaping, when they tried to shove a tracker up my arm.

"What are you doing?" I pulled away from the harsh looking woman. She wasn't very pretty, even for a capital citizen.

"Putting the tracker in. Wouldn't want to lose a tribute." She gave me what I think might, possibly have been a smile. I'm still not honestly sure. Her teeth had been sharpened, and jewels were embedded in them.

"I don't want a tracker in me. Please, you have to understand how this is an extreme invasion of privacy." I tried to reason with the grotesque thing in front of me.

"I'm sorry, I don't make the rules." With a surprisingly strong grip, she grabbed my arm and shoved the needle in, injecting the tracker. I don't know why I thought my opinions would change it. They haven't thus far.

The craft landed far too soon, but I was determined to stay calm. I wasn't known for being emotional, and I couldn't just fall apart as soon as I was placed into a stressful situation. I hate to say that my reputation was the reason behind my stoic appearance, but, it was kind of was. I was deposited straight into the entrance chamber, with a bag of clothes.

They seemed like fairly normal clothes to me, they fit strangely well, but to be fair, they had been made specifically for me. But, that didn't explain how they got my measurements.

There was a white t-shirt, that was a bit too tight for my liking, and jeans. I mean, they looked like jeans at least, but there is no way they could've been. The material had the right toughness, but didn't weigh enough, and though hugging my skin, didn't do anything to keep me warm. There was also a brown jacket with them. I slipped it over my shoulders. It seemed to actually be for keeping warm, and I felt quite comfortable in it. Now that I was dressed, there was nothing to do, but wait.


The sun felt unnaturally bright. I couldn't close my eyes though. I needed every moment I could get before people started trying to kill me. I knew I wasn't big enough or old enough to attract much attention from the larger tributes, but instead of being grateful for it, I felt angry. Emily Gold would not be overlooked.

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