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For DragonJedi9
10-year-old twins Nick and Ezra sat across from each other on the couch.  They both had sapphire blue eyes, and shared some personality traits but that was when the similarities ended. Nick wore a lot of red while Ezra liked orange. Ezra was a little more hyper than Nick. 5-year-old Kayla sat on the floor with a book in her hands. Her green eyes were full of love. Her black pigtails were held back by purple hair ties. The boys wore hoodies in their colors, jeans and socks. On their necks were identical silver pendants. Nick had a E, and Ezra had a N. It showed the unique bond between the two. Kayla had a white top, patchwork jeans, white socks, and a purple jacket with green sleeves. Their mother was sitting in a chair diagonal to the boys writing something on a notebook page. Dad was in the garage fiddling with something. A gang called the galactic empire, had too much control over surrounding areas, and were still going. Mira and Ephirim sent out messages of hope. (After the message). The five were just playing around, a game of hide and seek, Kayla sat in Nick's lap hiding in a corner closet. Ezra hid somewhere else. Their parents were the seekers. Suddenly a bunch of thugs burst into the house and started attacking the two unaware of the three children watching. The parents were given last words. "You will fall eventually. People have hope." Mira told the leader. Someone called the grand inquisitor. "Hope that things will get better and they will. We want a better environment for children to grow up in." Ephirim spoke passionately. The two knew that the children were listening. "How touching. Now you will no longer be a threat." He said. Then two pain-filled, sickening screams filled the air. The two dropped to the floor lifelessly. "Search the premises. They were not alone and I can sense it." The inquisitor ordered. The rest found 2/3 fairly quick. Nick was forced to his knees with his hands held behind his back. Kayla was thrown on the floor, then grabbed by the hair. "Kayla!" Nick yelled squirming, trying to reach his sister. The inquisitor produced a knife from a hidden pocket. "How admirable, trying to save your sister from harm. Tell me who else was here and I will see that you are given a place in our ranks." Nick shot him a nasty, dirty glare. "Never had anyone else besides Kayla and my folks." He lied, looking the guy in the eye. He was given one last chance to tell the truth. The inquisitor ran the blade across the girl's face making a deep gash across the equator of her face. It was going to scar. Nick told the same lie. They were both knocked unconscious by a stick to the head.

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