Ventiquattro: El Romeo

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(Listen to; Black Friday by Tom Odell) please😭

~Somehow I know that you would be beside us.

~In qualche modo so che sarai accanto a noi


With a sigh, I shut my eyes, hugging the girl in my arms. Let's just say the night we took our girls virginity, we may have exhausted her to the point of a deeper and longer subdrop. Our Ellie was spent. So fucking spent that she didn't wake up the next morning.

When I say didn't wake up, I mean she slept throughout the morning. Perhaps she was just too tired right? But when time striked 4pm, we realized that it was not fucking normal, at all.

You should have seen the look of pure terror on our faces when we shook her awake and she didn't even budge. I think I fucking died a little, but of course I had to be the bigger one among us three, put on a fucking calm facade and tell my panicked stricken brothers that it was normal.

I held onto the fact that she was still breathing so that meant that she had to be fucking alright. And as I dialed our private doctor, Domino Mortis, I told him to stop whatever the fuck he was doing and get here before I killed him. The old man was led inside our door by our private security under thirty minutes.

He told us that she was alright, just so exhausted that her body pushed her to a harmless sleeping coma. That probably should have calmed us down but the look of guilt that flashed on Marco's face nearly made me shoot Domino to shut up. But I refrained and we all listened as he told us what we had to do, and prescribed some vitamins for her before leaving.

The first day, we fell into a routine. I'd massage her body muscles after every five hours to get her relaxed. Marco would give her baths and tame her wild curls, and Elio practically talked her ear off and tried waking her up. We were successful the 2nd day when she finally woke up.

The look of relief on our faces was evident, but I think something in Marco snapped. It scared the fuck out of me because he always did something run. Ad that's just what he fucking did. He kept himself busy with work, avoided the girl that would ask about him. Cry for him because of his fucking guilt

And the fucker had the audacity to tell us that he didn't deserve her and then just disappear on us the next two days.

The fuck

Sometimes I feel like he is the younger triplet between us three. He acts like a fucking coward and doesn't know how to face his problems like a fucking man- you know what, let me just shut the fuck up.

Elio was out on a business meeting, taking over my work for me so that I watched over our girl. I was laid on our couch with Ellie in my arms. Her legs were wrapped around my waist, and arms laid flat on my naked chest. We were watching her favourite movie, Neverland.

My attempts at keeping her productive today was very futile, as she didn't even want to walk down the damn staircase. At the end of our morning, I succumbed to her silent plea to watch movies and eat snacks. She did more dozing off than watching, but it was fine.

Now it was going to 8pm in five minutes, and I'd been laid out on this couch for about five hours straight, although I didn't mind. Ellie had fallen asleep perhaps an hour or so ago, but I didn't want to move. I didn't want to wake her up because she did so good staying up all day instead of sleeping.

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