Venticinque: El Elio

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(Please listen to: Home by Edith Whiskers) please😢

~Casa è ovunque io sia con te.
~Home is wherever I'm with you


She was laughing so hard, her head tossed back as I made a face after purposely dancing ridiculously at a song she put on. It was a song that went something on the lines of 'we don't talk about Bruno...' first of all I didn't know what the fuck was going on and what it meant but she seemed to be obsessed with this Disney movie and when she grabbed the remote and played this song which I'm guessing is the theme song, she started dancing along with it.

So I jumped up and joined her. She immediately stopped dancing when I tried shaking my ass and then faked a back pain. Ellie bubbled up in fits of laughter, not even noticing that she was bouncing up and down on her feet slightly. She held her teddy-bear on its foot carelessly and spinned around with it, tossing it in the air.

Another cartoon song came up and she started singing at the top of her lungs, shocking the fuck out of me. It was a song about a princess in a purple dress who went from a common villager to her mother marrying the king overnight.

I stopped next to her, staring in aware as she bounced on her feet. Smiling from ear to ear and she literally fucking shouted the words out without stuttering. Her hair was in a messy bun, small curly baby hair decorating and framing her beautiful face. Her eyes seemed brighter, and her skin was glowing. She was always glowing but seeing her let loose nearly took my breath away, she just became prettier in my eyes.

She turned to me, running up to me. Dropping her teddy-bear on the floor without a care as she grabbed both my hands in hers, and started jumping up and down with me, spinning us slightly and I willingly let her be. Our eyes met, mine silently admiring her as she giggled and sang along with the song. Her eyes bright and confidently looking up at me but shyly too.

The end of the song finally came and when it was done, she took in a deep breath and exhaled. Still grinning up at me in total happiness and carefree. I just stood there and observed her silently, something inside my chest beating abnormally fast.

Fuck, I'm falling in love with her.

With a small nervous chuckle from me at the realization, I welcomed the familiar feeling of being in love, although this time it felt...right?

She stood on her tippy toes and pokes my nose with her small finger. "Bloop." She whispered, before walking into my arms and hugging me tightly. I was still very speechless. Mesmerized by her beauty and scared by the realization of where my heart was going to.

I've only known her for two months.

Was it normal to fall in love so quick? Was I leading myself to a disaster I'd struggle to get out of later? It felt right though. Scary but right. I was willing to welcome it, welcome the feeling. Willing to give her my heart.

Wrapping my arms around her thighs, I picked her up. Her eyes widens before she laughs softly. Arms and legs wrapped around me. She wore my white hoodie and her red panties, looking pretty as always. "Let's get you something to eat, alright?" I said, kissing her forehead and leading her to the kitchen.

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