Trentadue: Ellie

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(Warning: I didn't get to edit this, like At all. Sorry.)

~Cena in famiglia e una visita inaspettata

~ Dinner with the family,  and an unexpected visit.

"Do we have to go, Sir?" Ellie asked Romeo for probably the sixth time that day, trying to get just one of them to crack and permit her to stay over whiles they went and entertained who they had to.

Romeo sighed, stopped what he was doing completely. He rubs his forehead in frustration and turned to the beauty that sat on his bed. And for the hundredth time, he nods. "Yes, bambina. We have to be there."

"But why?" Another question. It's been a cycle of questions for about three hours since they broke the news to her, one she wasn't very happy about. Honestly speaking, they all assumed she would actually be happy and excited but probably not. "I-I don't want to go." Ellie expressed, folding her arms.

Romeo turned to gaze at the beautiful woman in front of him that sat on his bed. She was dressed perfectly with a tiny touch of make up that Darla had done on her an hour ago before leaving to get ready as well. The black strapless dress she wore complimented her petit but hourglass body. Emphasizing on her hips and thighs. Her golden brown skin shines slightly, the moisturizer she used always seems to give her beautiful skin this shine to it and Romeo loved it.

She had on heels, black 4-inch heels. Not too much seeing that she's not really used to them. Her hair was slicked back with a high clean bun, which took long to do. Her edges done to perfection. A small diamond necklace laid on her upper chest, caressing her skin.

Her glossy lips were so inviting but he couldn't destroy them yet, the night wasn't over.

Footsteps snapped them out of their eye contact, they both turned and watched Marco walk in the room. He was putting on his golden watch, which glimmers to every light that fell on it. "You both ready? Elio is starting the car."

"Daddy." Marco turned and watched his little girl walk up to him, her grin so wide that it lit up his heart. Romeo on the other hand pinched his eyes shut and turned to go find his shoes for the night.
"Good, you have her." He mumbles, rushing away.

Laughing at his brothers clear annoyance, he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned down to kiss her on the lips. Not giving two fucks about her lipstick. But she was not having it. "Hey! No kissing."

Ellie watched him frown as she discreetly ducked underneath his arms and went back to sitting on the bed. Her eyes taking in the black three piece suit he had on. "Come here and give daddy a kiss, baby." Marco said, waiting for her to walk to him but she shook her head, grinning up at him.

"I'm good!"

"You're good?" He repeated, before frowning and shaking his head. "You've been bratty lately, my love. You've got a back bone on you now, sì?" He laughed before walking towards her instead.

Her eyes hungrily took him and she shrugs. "I don't know w-what you're talking about, d-daddy." Oh she most definitely knew what he was talking about. Ellie didn't understand it at first but living with them three had her feeling more comfortable. She felt like she didn't have to protect herself or put up a guard on her heart. It felt easy with them.

Shaking his head once he reached her, he wrapped his hands around her neck. The girl kept on grinning like the little brat she turned out to be for the past week now. "I see. Now, give daddy a kiss." He leaned down but she pushed her head to the side, giggling as Marco groaned in annoyance. "Topolini..."

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