Day 5(Oliver's Pov).

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Oliver awoke the next morning, Toad shortly did the same.

"Good morning Mr Oliver, how are you doing today?" Toad said.

"I'm worried for the others. Also we are dead weight in this shed not out their helping the others,"

Before Oliver or Toad could say anything else, Oliver's driver opened the shed door.

"Well, are you staying here as usual?" He said.

"I want to try and find survivors. We should start small and search The Little Western and The Ffarquhar Branch,"

"Alright, we have a few survivors so we should make a consist,"

And so they did. Oliver's wheels ached as he moved for the first time in days. Emily had only taken her coaches when she left, so most of the trucks and coaches were still in the yard. Aftera bit of time, he was coupled to a coal truck, a van, the three orange branchline coaches, and Toad. Soon he set off, not knowing what he would find on his travels.

"I know Douglas is safe, I hope my best friends like Duck, Donald, Arthur and Bear are alright," He said.

Oliver passed through Tidmouth, seeing what had fully become of Toby for the first time.

"I may not have been close with you, but you were a good friend and a great engine," Oliver said.

Oliver then got onto The Little Western and went down the branchline. The stations were ghost empty as nobody was there. Soon Oliver reached Callan, and saw what was left of it.

"Not Donald," Was all the auto tank could say as tears came from his eyes.

"I should have stayed in the sheds," Oliver said as he finally set off.

"We might have been killed if we did," Said the fireman.

"Mr Oliver, we'll get through this, just like we did while escaping The Mainland,"

"You talk about that like we just rolled over the bridge on our own. Bear had to save us, he saved us on the night before we were meant to be scrapped. Yes we survived, but only just. I'm sorry but I don't want to talk about this anymore, sorry,"

So he did not. Oliver thought The Fishing Village could be a good place to stay, but since he wanted to find survivors, he left not long after arriving. Callan Castle was the same, only Oliver thought a castle out in the open was not the best place to survive for several more days. As Oliver reversed away from the castle, Toad spoke up again.

"Mr Oliver, can we please talk again?" Toad asked nervously.

"Fine, what do you have to say?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know, I was hoping you could start something,"

"Alright, I'll start. Do you think Duck, Arthur and Bear will survive?, I think they will,"

"Mr Duck does everything The Great Western Way, but I don't know how that works for purgers, do you know how that works?"

"Duck told me he worked on a branch line he won't name. He said there was a week-long purge. Duck was in a camp for survivors to hide from the purgers. My guess is he made is way to The Ironworks for safety,"

"Are we going to head to The Ironworks to find him?"

"Sorry, no. You know my fear of scrap and how much I refuse to go there. I will only go there if someone like Duck and Bear will be killed in a limited amount of time, sorry,"

"I understand,"

The two went silent yet again, not really knowing what to say, so they didn't say anything. Soon, Oliver got back onto the mainland, and headed toward Elsbridge. They soon reached Elsbridge and were grateful for what they found.

"Thomas, Daisy, Mavis, thank God you're alright,"

"We can say the same to you Oliver," Said Thomas.

"Emily told me and Percy your story, can you please tell us what happened after you left the sheds?" Said Daisy.

"Well you said Percy, First I want to know where he is?" Questioned the auto tank.

All the engines in the yard went silent, none of them wanted to talk about Percy, but now that Oliver was there, they had to.

"It's a long story, but we'll tell you," Mavis said.

"I'll start. I was here when the purge started, and nothing went down here. Then Percy raced in followed by Thomas and Ben racing by. On the second day, Emily and Duck showed up, with Emily telling your story,"

"Where was Duck going?"

"He was going with Duck to The Ironworks for his passengers safety,"

"Alright, I figured he would do something like that. What was his story,"

"He was at Callan with Donald and ran to Callan Castle while Donald was killed. The next day, he went back down the branchline and found Emily at Tidmouth, they then came here and soon left,"

"Hold on, you didn't mention Toby, did you forget him?"

"What about him, we don't know where he is," Thomas said.

"What, he's dead, he died of a boiler explosion on the first day of this purge, Duck and Emily didn't tell you,"

"No, Percy was not good mentally when they told him Donald and Fergus were dead, I guess they didn't want to make him worse,"

"I guess so, any other survivors?"

"BoCo and Murdoch are alive from the last we have seen. Emily said Murdoch leaving the harbor and I saw Boco as I was heading off The Brendam Branch,"

"Anyone we know that died?" Oliver asked.

"As far as we know, Percy, Toby, Donald, Fergus, Terrence, BertieTrevor, several people, and probably more people and engines we don't know about," Said Thomas.

"We were going to stay here till the end of the purge, your welcome to stay here if you want," Said Mavis.

"I think me and Toad will. I hope Bear, Duck and all the other's are alright, but I wouldn't want to get in the way of their way,"


And so, Oliver and Toad backed into the shed with the other branchline engines. They talked about adventures before the purge, and thought about what other engines would stand strong. Soon, night came, and they all went to sleep, wondering what the rest of the purge would bring.

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