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I study in Oxford majoring in Politics. After this, I will study masteral and my Economics major. I need to learn things in my long rule.

I wake up when the sunlight went in my room. Another trouble day. I jolt up and went to my bathroom and took a shower. I just went out of the shower when my servers arrived. They weren't surprised when I went out of the shower, freshly bathed.

I smiled at them and I went to my wardrobe to dress. I took my leather boots and skinny jeans, my long sleeved turtle neck black blouse and a jacket.

I went straight to the entrance of the Palace and there awaits my ride; a three-car convoy. From my left, I saw James exiting the Palace and there arrives a two-car convoy. I glanced at him and he smiled at me. I just rolled my eyes at him and slid in the car.

"Hey, I thought you won't come to school today?"

"I need to finish my studies, Erik."

"Of course. A queen has to be educated." I smiled at him and we went ahead towards the cafeteria. There are no bodyguards here in the school but they are outside. The students here in my school aren't running to me for autographs or pictures, but occasionally they ask me to.

"A round of paparazzi now because the news of your wedding spit out to the public?" He asked.

I groaned. "The downfall of getting married when you are very famous."

"It has perks."

"Suffocating perks."

"You know, this is very boring, Jamielle. I don't even know where your life can get very exciting. From pastel to darker. I don't know what's up with you bu-"


I don't know why my head turned to the woman who called the name of my groom. I thought I must be mistaken but I was wrong. It was really my groom and a woman was running to her. I tilted my head to the side and I lift my upper lip like a snigger.

The woman wrapped her arms around James and he hugged her back. So he has a girlfriend? Why would he want to marry? The girl was kissing James' face again and again but why hasn't it landed on his lips?

"Woah. So he has a girlfriend?" I heard Erik mutter.

"Maybe yes, maybe no. I see that the harlot red lips hasn't landed on his lips." I pursed my lips and turned away. I rolled my eyes because of the display. "Let's go. We're wasting our time here."

Erik raised an eyebrow. "Wait, are you jealous?"

What?! What the hell? Where did that come from? I raised an eyebrow at him. "Erik, I don't know what's happening in your grey matter but stop it. You're overthinking. I'm not jealous. I'm just disgusted by the display. As a future King consort, he must act like one."

Erik pursed his lips and nodded. "Do I act like a King consort?"

"Most probably, yes. But you aren't holding a title like mine so you can't be King consort."

"Remember that I'm seventh in line for the throne."

"Eight if I had a child."

"Oh, come on! A child? As if you would like one if you marry!"

I rolled my eyes and entered the cafeteria. I looked for a table and we sat there when we saw one. Erik ordered our food. We have two hours for a break. So eating is an option to ease the boredom.

Erik bought lasagna. He bought himself a cinnamon roll.

"So, when is your wedding? Specific date?"

I started cutting my lasagna. "Two months from now? I wrote February there."


"Yeah. Most likely. Its a stupid day but it's fine. I need to act natural. But all must know that this was arranged."

I was chewing my third piece when a classmate went to our table.

"Hey, I heard you are going to be married, Jamielle. Is that true?"

"Uhm," I looked at her. My blonde classmate who bitches everywhere. She bullied me the first time I entered high school. She didn't know that I'm the Crown Princess. Until now she treats herself higher than my position. "Yeah, it will be properly announced."

"Who's your groom?" She flipped her golden hair. I suddenly want to pull it and cut it. "Oh," she pointed at Erik. "Erik is your groom? Oh, congratulations!"

"Uhm..." I've to bitch up to her. "You should call me Your Highness since I'm the Crown Princess, Ariane."

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh? I'm Queen, if you're Princess." I heard the other bitches behind her laughing.

I stood up. Erik pulled me down but I have to face this girl. "Ariane, there is a law that states if you say false things about the royal family, you could be sentenced to jail. And if you must, I will be Queen some years later, I will run the country. Ariane, try to give some respect and know where you stand."

I rolled my eyes at her. Her jaw dropped. The other people in the cafeteria stopped all activities just to listen to my little preach. I sat down and sniggered at her. She cringed and she walk out of the cafeteria.

Serves you right.

I looked at Erik. He was smirking. That would just be right to stand up for myself. Remember, I'm not the same humble, kind, soft-spoken Princess they knew. They should be aware of it.

After the commotion earlier was done, all returned to normal. I was supposed to eat my last bite when James and the girl stood beside me.

The girl was blonde. Another blonde bitch? She was smiling at me. Her smile was warm and welcoming. It reminded me my smiles before.

"Hello, Jamielle." She said. "I'm Cindy."

I got uneasy with her smile. I don't know why. It is probably the reason James is with her. It was disarming. "Uh, hello."

"There's no formalities needed between the four of us, I'm a Princess of Belgium, my mother is Queen Elena."

James beside her was staring at me and he was smiling. I didn't break my neutral look.

"Oh, I know her. My Mom is friends with her."

"Of course. Nice to meet you!" She smiled again and she pulled James away from us. James turned to me as Cindy pulled him. Then he turned away when I frowned at him he must be laughing at me now. What a guy.

"I know her." Erik commented when Cindy and James fell in line. "She was with Prince Frederick and Princess Vianne in the ball in Italy."

"You met her there?"

"Yeah, she's so much like you but you are less giddy and more soft-spoken. She was talking animatedly with Frederick and Vianne. I heard that Vianne's brother Edvard, went away because he doesn't want to mingle with the blabbermouth that was Cindy."

I laughed. "Really? The Prince of Italy, pissed by the chatterbox?"

"Yep. Vianne and Frederick just went with her to cover their brother."

This is really interesting, the Princess of Denmark and the Prince of Luxembourg are neutral persons. Edvard was sort of an introvert. I was like Cindy, but less talkative. I wonder how James puts up with her.

I smiled at my imagination of Cindy's mouth as a boombox. Maybe she was entertainment when James is tied to the arms of the British Monarchy.

Her Royal HighnessWhere stories live. Discover now