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I felt Jamielle shifting beside me. I opened my eyes and she was reaching for something next to her.

         She groaned and I stood up. "What's wrong?" I asked.

        Her eyes fell open and she looked at me weakly. "What are you doing here?"

        "I took care of you." I looked at her bedside clock and it was already six in the morning. I have slept that long?

        "Why did you? There are servers to do that."

         "I wanted to. It's the least thing that I could do."

        "And you've done it. You can leave."

        "For once, Jamielle, don't be so stubborn." I don't like to be pissed early in the morning. Mind you, my mood should be better because I breathed in her scent first thing in the morning.

         "What if I don't want to?"

        I rolled my eyes. "You're sick. You need to rest. What is it that you were reaching for earlier?"

        She looked down and fiddled her thumbs. Fiddling! This is a novelty! "W-water."

        "You could've just said."

         "I didn't know that someone was here!"

         "Didn't feel your side? Heavy and all?"

         "No." Ugh. Senseless. Should I now rethink why I fell in love with her?

         I walked around her bed and gave her the glass of water on her bedside table. Her bed was too big for her. She sipped on it and I put it back.

        "Are you hungry?" I asked.

        "How long were you here?"

        "Answer mine first."

        "Demanding jerk. Yes. I'm famished. I might have slept all night long. Now my question?"

        "I carried you from where you fainted and never left your side since then."

        I saw her blush but she turned away like she was embarrased. How many shades does this girl have? I'm ready to know all of it.


        "You're my wife."

         Blushed again. "Other reasons? That's not a rightful one."

        "You need more reasons? Really? Because I'm your husband?"

        "Ugh!" She rolled her eyes and pulled her blanket up to her head.

        I sighed and shook my head. I pressed on the call button. A server answered and I told her about Jamielle and her hunger. She told me to wait for a moment and her maids will be up.

        "Are you feeling well, Jamielle?"

        I saw her shaking her head under her blanket. Is this a childish Jamielle or another prototype? How did Erik put up with her?

        "Well then, you need to rest more. I'll be doing your work for today."

        She jerked upright. "No!" Then she cringed and pressed her temple. I immediately approached her.

        "Don't move too much! You're hurting yourself."

        "Don't do the work I have!"

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