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Queen Jamielle, attacked! The suspect had been captured the moment she was stabbed. Our Queen is now stable but still under observation.

"Doctor, please tell me that my wife would be fine."

        "Your Majesty, the Queen would be fine. She just needs some rest from the injuries she had."

        My mother was rubbing my back when the doctor who attended my wife explained Jamielle's condition. I was beside her and I want her to wake up now. She had been stabbed by Dianna earlier while she was given her speech after her coronation. The happy day in England was the gravest for every citizen. Her security had been tripled, all of us, actually.

        Jamielle had been stabbed twice and it injured some of her organs. The doctors needed to stitch it close. It had been five hours since the attack and I haven't changed my bloody uniform. My Mom advised to change but I want to stay with Jamielle until she wakes up. I couldn't leave her side.

        Jamielle's grandmum had been summoned to place charges on Dianna Corey and she was sentenced to be detained at Her Majesty's Pleasure.

        Mom sat beside me and she kept on rubbing my back. I held Jamielle's hand and felt the warmth from it. Jamielle, wake up. I need you beside me.

        "James, she would wake up. She just needs some rest."

        I looked at my Mom and I prayed that my wife wakes up. Waking up would be the best news for everybody. Waking up means she would be fine.

        "I hope so, Mom. I don't want to loose her."

        "She wouldn't give up, James. I know it. She won't leave you."

        I nodded and held my wife's hand tighter. Moments later, I heard the door open. I let my face buried on Jamielle's bed and let my Mom attend the guests.

         "Vianne, how nice it is for you to visit." I heard Mom said.

        "We wanted to personally check her. My brothers were persistent. How is James?"

        "Still holding on. Waiting for Jamielle to wake up."

        I heard their steps getting close and I pulled my head up and smiled at Vianne and her brothers with Erik and Cindy. Cindy went to me and she hugged me. I held her hand and she let me go after some moments then kissed my forehead.

        "Are you good?" she asked.

        I nodded. "I am. But I'll be better when Jamielle wakes up."

        "I hope she wakes up."

        "Bro, you need to change," Freddie said.

        I smiled. "I'll wait for Jamielle to wake up."

        "Ugh, man. Would you like her to smell your putrid odors when she wakes up? That's a total turn off."

        I shook my head. "I'll change once she wakes up."

        "Okay. If that's what you want."

       The siblings stayed with me for a while and we were talking about the number of people who were outside the hospital waiting for the press release about Jamielle's condition. I heard that they were conducting a mass prayer event for the betterment of Jamielle. I would personally thank them once Jamielle is fine.

Her Royal HighnessWhere stories live. Discover now