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Dianne was my friend some years ago. I remember her short curls, her green eyes and the way she smiles. She was like my sister. She was very sweet and warm. But unlike me, I was more soft spoken and timid. And she became my definition of love.

We met when I was thirteen. That incident happened when I turned fifteen.

Dianne was fixing my braid when I heard Erik calling me, running to me. I saw Dianne blush and I smiled. Dianne has a crush on Erik. But she doesn't tell him.

"Jamy, I thought you were in the library?" He asked when he reached me.

"I was when Dianne showed up asking if I could go with her in the cafeteria." I answered.

"Ah, is that so? He sat beside me and he began pulling the loose strands of my hair.

I glared at him and he laughed. "Don't look at me like that!"

"Well, don't mess my hair."

"Dianne," he turned to Dianne and she looked up. Her blush was gone now. "Let's take a walk later when Jamielle gets picked up by her bodyguards."

Then I saw her ears reddening. "Oh. O-okay." I grinned and she saw it, she rolled her eyes at me.

"What time is it, Erik?" I asked.

"It's a quarter to one. What time would your men in black pick you up?"

"Exactly one but I don't care if they're late or not. As long as I will get in the Palace in time. I don't want my ice witch of a grandmum to be mad."

He laughed. Dianne tried laughing but she just giggled.

"Butt hurt if she gets mad at you, blimey."

Dianne whispered to my ear. "Hey, what would Erik want?"

I crunched my nose and I shrugged. "I dunno."

"I'm excited."

Dianne and Erik got closer and closer until one day, Erik asked her out. It was two months since they started going out. While here's me, pulling myself out of the image and trying to live my life quietly while being happy for my bestfriends.

Dianne was happy whenever she talks about Erik. She talks animatedly about their dates. She was on the edge of popping from happiness.

"Erik called me his girlfriend, Jamielle!"

I looked at Dianne and I beamed at her. I'm very happy for them both. I have not chance to show it because I'm kinda indulged on my book.

"That's superb, Dianne! Goodness, it was just yesterday when you like him and he now likes you!"

Dianne sat beside me. I'm currently under a tree here in school. Beside me was the football field. Dianne was giddy. I'm very happy for her.

But since me and Erik know each other for years even before I met Dianne, we are very close. He still hangs out with me. Our closeness got Dianne jealous. She began fighting me and she talks nasty things about me. But then again, Erik defends me and uses our years together to prove Dianne wrong. He told me that he won't tolerate that kind of attitude.

Dianne got more jealous and she even told our classmates that Erik was cheating on her with me. That I can't take. I confronted her but she hurt me physically, ending into a cat fight. Erik came into the rescue. I was wounded, injured, of course, by Dianne. Erik was supposed to attend me but I told him to go to Dianne.

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