The next day, the sun rises over the quiet town, bringing with it a new day. As morning breaks, Vettel sits in the living room with Jingliu, sipping a cup of coffee. Suddenly, Acheron enters the room, a hint of unease on her face. The siblings and Jingliu embark on a journey around the picturesque Carribean Planet, soaking in the beauty of the surroundings. The ocean reflects shades of emerald and sapphire, the sky a brilliant canvas painted with the colours of the setting sun. They walk along the beach, their footsteps leaving imprints in the warm sand. A slight breeze caresses their faces, bringing with it the salty scent of the sea. As the siblings take in the stunning views, Acheron suddenly halts and turns to face Vettel and Jingliu.
Acheron: "I've been thinking... there's something I need to tell you both. It's important."
The peaceful moment is shattered as a group of Stellaron Hunters emerges from the shadows, surrounding Acheron, Vettel, and Jingliu. The trio are on immediate high alert, ready for a potential confrontation. The dangerous man, a stern-looking figure known as Blade, takes a few steps forward, his eyes scanning the trio suspiciously.
Blade: "Well, look what we have here. What a fortunate encounter."
Acheron, her tone cautious and firm, addresses Blade.
Acheron: "What do you want? Why are you here?"
Blade grins, his expression oozing with malice.
Blade: "We're just on a little treasure hunt, and you just happen to be in our way. Sorry about that."Before the conversation can continue, two other Stellaron Hunters approach. Kafka, with her enigmatic smile, and Silver Wolf, her eyes scanning the area. They join Blade, surrounding the group even more. Kafka, her demeanour cool and calculated, speaks up.
Kafka: "Well, well, what do we have here? Acheron, Vettel, and Jingliu. What a delightful surprise."
Silver Wolf, her voice sharp and mocking, adds.
Silver Wolf: "Looks like we stumbled upon quite the reunion. How touching."
Seeing Blade, Jingliu's expression hardens. She recognizes him instantly, their past interaction on the Xianzhou coming to mind.
Jingliu: "Blade... I wasn't expecting to see you here."
Blade's smirk widens at the sight of Jingliu.
Blade: "Ah, if it isn't the former general of the Luofu. You're looking as feisty as ever. My witness, and my suffering"
Acheron, Vettel, and Silver Wolf look between Blade and Jingliu, sensing the tension.
Silver Wolf: "You two know each other?"
Blade nods, his eyes locked on Jingliu.
Blade: "Oh, we know each other very well. Let's just say we have a bit of unfinished business."
Vettel steps in front of Acheron and Jingliu, his protective instincts kicking in. He positions himself between them and the Stellaron Hunters.
Vettel: "Stay back. I'm not letting you harm them."
Silver Wolf, noticing Vettel's protective stance, can't help but smirk.
Silver Wolf: "How heroic. I must say, you're quite the knight in shining armour."
Blade scoffs, not impressed by Vettel's show of courage.
Blade: "Playing the hero, huh? How clichéd."
Jingliu, her expression stoic, addresses Blade.
Jingliu: "Enough of the banter. What do you want?"
Blade chuckled, his demeanour still taunting.
Blade: "Always straight to the point, I see. We're just here for a little payback, that's all. You made quite a mess on the Xianzhou."Vettel: "And I've payback to you three after you threw me out of space!!"
Blade, unmoved by Vettel's declaration, chuckles darkly.
Blade: "Right, the little incident in your escape pod. I remember. But let's not dwell on the past, shall we?"
Kafka, who has been observing the exchange, chimes in.
Kafka: "Enough, Blade. We're here for a reason. Let's focus on the task at hand."
Silver Wolf, her gaze shifting towards the surroundings, adds.
Silver Wolf: "Agreed. We didn't come here just to exchange witty banter."
The air is filled with tension and anticipation as the clash begins. Vettel, Acheron, and Jingliu prepare themselves for battle, their expressions focused and determined. On the other side, Blade, Kafka, and Silver Wolf ready themselves to face their opponents. The confrontation is intense from the start. Blade charges at the trio with his scythe, his movements swift and lethal. Acheron counters with her attack, meeting Blade's slash with a flurry of precise strikes.
Vettel: "Jingliu, you handle Blade, Sister you handle Kafka, and I'll handle Silver Wolf."

Man On The Moon
Fantasy"Vettel Baskerville has been a loyal member of the legendary Astral Express, a spacefaring train that travels across the universe in search of truth and knowledge. However, when he is betrayed by the Stellaron Hunters, a notorious group of space bri...