Vettel and Robin rejoined the group, their faces flushed and their eyes holding a secret only they knew. The night continued, the gathering now tinged with a sense of excitement and anticipation that wasn't there before. And while the rest of the group continued their conversations and interactions, Vettel and Robin found themselves drawn towards each other, their gazes meeting more often than usual, a silent understanding passing between them. As Vettel and Robin re-entered the group, the others immediately noticed their flushed cheeks and somewhat dishevelled appearance. The group quieted down, several pairs of eyes turning to look at the two of them, gazes filled with speculation and curiosity. Blade was the first to speak up, his tone dry though his eyes held a spark of amusement.
Blade: "Well, look who's back. And looking very... 'refreshed'..."
Stelle couldn't suppress a smirk, a cheeky comment already on the tip of her tongue.
Stelle: "Did you two have a fun little 'stroll' on the rooftop?"
Vettel, realizing that all eyes were on them now, tried to regain his usual cool demeanour, though it was somewhat undermined by the slight redness of his cheeks.
March 7th, her eyes sparkling with mischief, couldn't resist joining in.
March 7th: "Oh, it was more than a stroll, wasn't it? I'd say a bit more... 'energetic' activity was involved."
The group chuckled, and a few others added their remarks, teasing both Vettel and Robin. Caelus, ever observant, noticed the slightly nervous look on Robin's face under all the attention. He leaned over and whispered to Stelle.
Caelus: "I think they're embarrassed."
Stelle nodded, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.
Stelle: "Yeah, they look like they've been caught doing something they shouldn't."
Dan Heng, his expression cool as always, observed the two with quiet scrutiny.
Dan Heng: "Or maybe they've done exactly what they should."
Welt, sensing the slight tension in the air, interjected with a calm voice.
Welt Yang: "Either way, it's their business, not ours."
But Himeko, ever observant, picked up on the undercurrent of attraction between Vettel and Robin.
Himeko: "Oh, it is their business, but I think this is also something we all can have a little fun with."
Asta, always cheerful, added her own two cents.
Asta: "Yeah, a little harmless teasing doesn't hurt anyone. Besides, they make a cute pair."The group, now all invested in the spectacle, continued their banter, poking fun at the seemingly flustered Vettel and Robin.
Kafka, a sly smile on her face, chimed in.
Kafka: "Harmless indeed. Though, I do wonder..."
She paused, drawing out the moment, before continuing with a smirk.
Kafka: "Who initiated the 'energetic activity' on the rooftop?"Meanwhile, Black Swan seemed to be observing the two intently, her gaze sharp and observant. Her face gave nothing away, but her eyes seemed to be analyzing the entire situation.
Sparkle, ever the troublemaker, decided to stir the pot further. She turned to Blade, her tone dripping with feigned innocence.
Sparkle: "You reckon we should lock them in a closet and find out?"
Blade, his usual stoicism in place, responded dryly.
Blade: "I wouldn't recommend it."
But this only fueled Sparkle's mischief.
Sparkle: "Oh, come on. Can you imagine the drama? The tension? The sheer entertainment value?"Vettel: "Ok, ok let's move the topic, how about we take a photo?"
Stelle, taking the bait, immediately responded.
Stelle: "Awesome! Let's do it!"
Himeko, ever the responsible one, spoke up first.
Himeko: "Alright, but let's make sure everyone's presentable. I don't want to see any wild hair or rumpled clothes in our group photo."After that, the group gathered to take photos. March 7th, ever the photographer, immediately readied her camera, a bright grin on her face. She held the device up, adjusting the settings as she spoke.
March 7th: "Alright, alright, everyone ready? Say cheeeeeeese!"
Everyone, with varying levels of enthusiasm, gathered together, trying to fit into the frame. There was a lot of noise, shuffling, and several whispered comments of "move over a bit, you're in my shot". Eventually, they managed to get more or less into position, their faces filling the frame of the camera's LCD screen. Stelle, naturally, was right in the centre, her smirk wide. Caelus stood next to her, a bemused expression on his face. Dan Heng stood next to him, his usual cool demeanour unchanged. March 7th, being the one taking the photo, was sticking out awkwardly from the group, the camera in her hands. Each person in the group looked slightly different, their personalities and quirks showing through, despite their efforts to pose for the shot. Welt, standing at the edge of the group next to Himeko, looked like a responsible adult trying his best to fit in. Asta, on his other side, was smiling so wide that her dimples were showing. Natasha, who'd been pulled into the makeshift shooting, was a bit sheepish, but smiling nonetheless. Hook, positioned just in front of Natasha, looked almost comically out of place, her tiny size and energetic nature stark against the others who were mostly taller and more composed. Gepard, being the responsible type, stood next to her, an amused smile on his face. Seele, standing next to Bronya, looked slightly reluctant but resigned, her hands on her hips. Bronya, ever the dignified figure, smiled a little, but her expression was a bit more reserved than the others. Clara, next to Seele, looked a bit dazed, as if she was only half-aware of what was happening. Silver Wolf, situated between Blade and Kafka, rolled her eyes at the whole situation but had a small smirk on her face. Blade, as usual, looked as if he'd rather be anywhere else. On his other side, Kafka had a knowing smile, as if she knew something no one else did. Pela, standing next to Lynx, was trying to look serious but couldn't quite suppress a smile. Lynx, on the other hand, looked a bit overwhelmed. Herta, next to Lynx, was also trying to maintain a dignified expression but her eyes sparkled with amusement. Serval, standing between Asta and Arlan, was looking like she was about to burst into laughter. Arlan, being the more reserved type, simply looked a bit nervous but was trying to join in the excitement. Sampo, who'd somehow weaselled his way into the group, looked far too cheerful, almost as if he was thoroughly enjoying the chaos. Sampo spoke up, his tone cheerful, despite the chaos.
Sampo: "Hey, we could use this picture for a calendar, you know? I can see it now: 'The Adventures of the Astral Express Crew - Month Number Whatever.'"
This sent a ripple of laughter through the group.
Dan Heng: "Sure, let's do it. Maybe we can even sell it and make a profit."
Topaz, who was standing nearby, chimed in.
Topaz: "Yeah, I could help with the marketing. We could make a killing just off the 'Vettel and Robin mystery' alone. The fans would love it."
Aventurine, standing beside Topaz, rolled his eyes.
Aventurine: "Why do you have to commercialize everything, Topaz?"
Topaz, completely unapologetic, responded with a shrug.
Topaz: "Hey, if we're doing a calendar, we might as well go all the way. And mystery sells. Just look at all the fan theories going on right now."
She gestured to the group, who were still huddled together, laughing and chatting.
It was a sight to behold - heroes from vastly different backgrounds, each with their agendas and motivations, all coming together in peace. The air was heavy with the weight of the history and conflicts that had led up to this moment. Vettel, standing among the others, took a moment to look around at the gathered groups. This situation was unheard of, yet here they were, all under one roof...not fighting. The others mirrored his surprise and awe. Stelle, Caelus, Dan Heng, March 7th, Himeko, Welt, Asta, Arlan, Herta, Kafka, Blade, Silver Wolf, Firefly, Hook, Luca, Sampo, Lynx, Pela, Natasha, Serval, Gepard, Seele, Bronya, Clara, Hook, Gunaifen, Sushang, Xueyi, Fu Xuan, Huohuo, Jing Yuan, Jingliu, Luocha, Misha, Black Swan, Sparkle, Boothill, Robin, Aventurine, Jade, Argenti, Ruan Mei, Dr Ratio, Topaz and Numby were stunned.
The room was so silent that a pin could be heard dropping. Every face was a mix of bewildered, surprised, and a little bit wary. No one quite knew what to make of this. Welt was the first to break the silence. He spoke in a steady voice, trying to bring some order to the surreal situation.
Welt Yang: "Well, this is... an unexpected turn of events."
Caelus added with a hint of humour.
Caelus: "You think? We were ready for a fight, not a peace meeting."
Dan Heng, as usual, stayed quiet but his eyes were sharp and observant, taking in the room and the situation.
Himeko, trying to keep the situation from getting out of control, spoke up.
Himeko: "Everyone, let's take a deep breath and stay calm. We're all here now, so let's just... talk this out."
And so, the tale of the gathering of heroes from different factions and backgrounds reached its end. The silence that had fallen over the room slowly gave way to a low murmur of conversation as people began to process what had happened. The air was still thick with tension, but the fact that no one had started throwing punches was a good sign. For now, they would have to wait and see what came next in this unprecedented situation.
Credit Song

Man On The Moon
Fantasy"Vettel Baskerville has been a loyal member of the legendary Astral Express, a spacefaring train that travels across the universe in search of truth and knowledge. However, when he is betrayed by the Stellaron Hunters, a notorious group of space bri...