As the elevator jerks and begins to ascend, numerous aliens suddenly appear from the shadows, their hostile intentions clear as they advance upon Vettel and Topaz. Without a second thought, Vettel calls out to Topaz, his voice sharp and urgent.
Vettel: "Topaz, we need to fight!"
His eyes dart around, quickly assessing the situation. They're outnumbered, but they've faced worse odds before. He readies himself, muscles tensing, preparing to face the onslaught. Topaz, her face set in determination, nods and readies her weapon, standing back to back with him in a defensive stance. The aliens, their forms and motives unknown, charge toward them, issuing guttural war cries. The elevator continues to ascend, its mechanical whirr providing a stark contrast to the violence unfolding within its walls. Vettel and Topaz, their backs pressed together, fight fiercely as they fend off the alien attackers. They move as one, their movements a well-choreographed dance born out of months of fighting side by side. Numby too, leaps into the fray, its agility and small size helping it dodge and weave around the advancing adversaries. During the heated battle, Topaz, her voice strained but determined, shouts to Vettel between parries and blows.Topaz: "We need to find a way to escape! There's too many of them!"
Vettel, his breath ragged and his muscles starting to ache from the strain of the fight, replies as he continues to engage the enemies.Vettel: "I hear you! We need... we need to reach the top of the elevator! There's got to be a way out up there!"
He ducks under an alien's swiping arm, retaliating with a quick thrust that connects solidly, sending the creature stumbling backwards. His eyes scan their surroundings; his gaze falls on the glowing control panel near the elevator's ceiling.
Vettel: "Cover me! I'll try to access the control panel!"Topaz, her back still pressed against his, understands immediately. She throws herself into an even fiercer attack, her weapon a blur of lethal motion. She becomes a wall of protection for Vettel, keeping the encroaching aliens engaged and distracted as he rushes towards the control panel. As Vettel and Topaz continue their desperate defence, a newcomer suddenly interjects into the fray. From the shadows, a girl appears, her slender form swiftly manoeuvring through the enemies with practised ease. She moves as if dancing through the throng of aliens, her attacks precise and lethal.
The sight of the newcomer distracts the aliens for a moment, their eyes widening slightly in surprise as they turn to face this unfamiliar threat. In a moment of respite, Vettel and Topaz exchange baffled glances, unsure of the identity of the girl who seems to have swooped in to help them. As she fights, her movements and mannerisms hinting at a skill and experience far beyond her years, Numby, the ever-curious creature, lets out a soft noise of recognition. Vettel, catching the creature's reaction, looks down at Numby, his expression questioning. The small creature gazes up at him, its wide eyes darting back to the girl. It chitters softly as if confirming its recognition of the newcomer. Vettel, realizing that Numby seems to recognize the girl, speaks aloud, his voice tinged with both confusion and hope.
Vettel: "You know her, Numby? Who is she?"
The girl, as if hearing Vettel's question, suddenly stops fighting and turns to them. Her eyes find Vettel's, the hard, determined expression on her face giving way to a soft, almost nostalgic look. Her voice, when she speaks, is a mix of relief and familiarity.
Firefly: "Vettel...?"
The sheer astonishment in her voice, as if she hadn't expected to find them here, rings clearly. Numby, still in Vettel's arms, lets out a happy mewl at the sound of her voice. Vettel, his brain working to process this unexpected turn of events, can only respond with a single word.Vettel: "Firefly..."
The fight around them seems to subside for a moment as both sides stop, taken aback by this unexpected reunion. The elevator, still steadily climbing, hangs in the balance as Firefly, Vettel, and Topaz share a moment of stunned recognition. Numby, seeming to sense the tension, wriggles in Vettel's arms, its little body clamouring to be put down. Vettel, still slightly befuddled, complies, setting the small creature down. Numby trots over to Firefly, nuzzling its head against her leg in greeting. Amid the stunned silence, Topaz, always the first to act, speaks up, her voice breaking through the tense atmosphere.

Man On The Moon
Fantasy"Vettel Baskerville has been a loyal member of the legendary Astral Express, a spacefaring train that travels across the universe in search of truth and knowledge. However, when he is betrayed by the Stellaron Hunters, a notorious group of space bri...