The group, now settled in the clinic, begins their conversation with Natasha, the owner. Natasha, her kind eyes watching the group, asks them.
Natasha: "So, what brings you to my clinic today? I would assume it's not for a routine checkup."
Dan Heng takes the lead again.
Dan Heng: "You're correct. We're here on a mission of sorts, and we're trying to gather information about some recent events in Belobog."
Natasha, her interest heightened, nods.
Natasha: "I see. I've been busy tending to the clinic these days, but I've heard whispers of some strange occurrences happening around the city. What do you want to know specifically?"
March 7th, always the cheerful one, asks.
March 7th: "Well, we've heard rumours that there's a person or gang causing trouble around here. Might you have any information about that?"
Natasha, her expression becoming serious, nods again.
Natasha: "Ah yes, I've heard about that as well. There have been reports of an unknown group stirring up trouble in some parts of the city. But I don't have any concrete details about who they are or what they're after. It seems they're quite good at covering their tracks."
Topaz, who has been listening intently, chimes in.
Topaz: "Any clue as to what kind of trouble they're causing? Any patterns or targets in particular they've been acting against?"
Natasha pauses for a moment, considering the question.
Natasha: "They seem to have no rhyme or reason for their actions. One day they're causing disruptions in the market, the next day sabotaging a factory. It's as if they're just causing chaos for chaos' sake."
Dan Heng, noting the lack of clear motives, frowns.
Dan Heng: "That's perplexing. Usually, criminal groups have some clear objective. Are there no hints at all about what they might want?"
Dan Heng, noting the lack of clear motives, frowns.
Dan Heng: "That's perplexing. Usually, criminal groups have some clear objective. Are there no hints at all about what they might want?"
Natasha shakes her head apologetically.
Natasha: "Unfortunately, no. They've remained quite elusive in their intentions. All I know is that they call themselves 'The Eternal Freeze'."
Jingliu, her attention caught by the name mentioned by Natasha, speaks up.
Jingliu: "The Eternal Freeze, you say? That's an interesting moniker for a group causing trouble."
Natasha nods, her expression solemn.
Natasha: "Indeed, it is. It's a bit ironic given the climate of our planet, don't you think? But they seem to have chosen that name purposefully."
Topaz chimes in, curiosity in her voice.
Topaz: "Any rumours or tales about this 'Eternal Freeze'? Any history or legends associated with the name in Belobog?"
Natasha thinks for a moment, then speaks.
Natasha: "There are rumours from the Underworld, our underground city, that in ancient times, a powerful being from the Fragmentum, our world's chaotic realm, was known as the Eternal Freeze. Legend has it that this entity was so powerful that it could freeze everything it touched. But that's all it is - a legend. I doubt it has anything to do with the modern group."
Vettel: "What are we waiting for guys...Let's go.."
March 7th, always up for action, nods enthusiastically.
March 7th: "Yeah, let's go kick some Eternal Freeze butt!"
The group rises from their seats, and Natasha watches them, concern in her eyes. She speaks up.
Natasha: "Wait, before you go... be careful. This group has been causing disturbances all over the city. They're not to be taken lightly."
Topaz, determined, reassures Natasha.
Topaz: "Don't worry, we can handle them. We've dealt with more than our fair share of troublemakers."
Natasha nods her expression a mix of worry and respect.
Natasha: "Just remember, it's not just your skills I'm worried about. It's the chaos they're causing. Belobog is in a fragile state right now, and this Eternal Freeze is just making things worse."
Dan Heng, understanding her concern, reassures her.
Dan Heng: "We'll do our best to deal with them as swiftly and orderly as possible. Thank you for your help, Natasha."
The group, their resolve strengthened, exited the clinic and continued on their journey. The streets of Belobog, while quiet, hold tension as if the city itself is holding its breath. Vettel alongside Dan Heng walks forward, leading the group. March 7th, her usual cheerful demeanour still present, skips alongside him. Jingliu, her eyes constantly scanning the surroundings, walks quietly but with a sense of purpose. Topaz, her mind already planning, speaks in whispers with Numby, who nods occasionally. Ruan Mei, quietly observing the group, keeps her thoughts to herself for now. As the group journeys through the streets, they suddenly come across Seele, standing guard by a corner. She spots them and her eyes narrow as they approach.
Seele (cautiously): "Who are you? Why are you here?"
Dan Heng, as the unofficial leader of the group, is the one to respond.
Dan Heng: "We mean no harm. We're simply passing through. We're also on a mission to investigate a group causing trouble in the city. I assume you've heard of the 'Eternal Freeze'?"
Vettel: "And who are you, lady?"
Seele, her guard still raised, glances at Vettel.
Seele: "I could ask you the same thing. And how do I know you're not in cahoots with the 'Eternal Freeze' yourselves?"
March 7th, her friendly nature never far, introduces herself.
March 7th: "I'm March 7th, nice to meet you! And we're not in cahoots with anyone, promise. We're trying to stop the 'Eternal Freeze'."
Seele, hearing this, seems somewhat sceptical but lowers her guard slightly.
Seele: "That's what all outsiders say. But if you're here to help, then maybe you've come to the right place. The 'Eternal Freeze' has been causing havoc in the Underworld, where I've been stationed to protect the people."
Jingliu, always observant, steps forward.
Jingliu: "You say you were stationed to protect the people of the Underworld. Does that mean you have information about the 'Eternal Freeze'?"
Seele nods, her eyes still cautious.
Seele: "Yes, I do have some information. The 'Eternal Freeze' has been causing disturbances in the Underworld for some time now. They're like a plague that we just can't seem to get rid of."
Topaz, interest piqued, asks an important question.
Topaz: "Have they been targeting specific locations or people? Or are their actions completely random?"
Seele takes a moment to think before answering.
Seele: "Initially, they seemed to target government institutions and factories. But recently, their actions have become more spontaneous. They've attacked civilians and even some underground markets."
Ruan Mei, usually quiet, speaks up.
Ruan Mei: "You said they target factories. Have they stolen anything from these places? Or are they simply creating damage?"
Seele shakes her head.
Seele: "That's the strangest part. Despite the destruction they cause, they never seem to take anything. It's like they're just lashing out, creating chaos for the sake of chaos."
Dan Heng, rubbing his chin in thought, muses aloud.
Dan Heng: "That aligns with what we've heard so far. They're not stealing, just causing damage...almost like they're trying to send a message."
Seele nods, her eyes growing darker.
Seele: "That's certainly the impression they've given. And whatever that message is, it's not one our people are going to ignore. The Underworlders are tough, but they're not made of stone. They can only take so much before they fight back."
Vettel, always ready for a fight, chimes in.
Vettel: "Sounds like they're begging for a good old-fashioned ass-kicking."
March, grinning, nods in agreement.
March 7th: "Yeah, sounds like we need to show them the true meaning of 'Eternal Freeze'."
With Seele leading the way, the group, joined by Seele, proceeds deeper into the Underworld. The air is heavy with an almost palpable tension, the shadows moving in ways that feel unnatural. Seele, her eyes flickering from side to side, speaks quietly.
Seele: "Stay vigilant. The 'Eternal Freeze' could be anywhere, lurking in the shadows."
Numby, perched on Topaz's shoulder, suddenly squeaks. All eyes snap to the small furry creature as they try to decipher its meaning. Topaz, accustomed to Numby's mannerisms, nods.
Topaz: "He senses something. I've learned to trust his instincts."
The group, following Topaz's lead, becomes even more vigilant. The shadows around them seem to move with more purpose as if they were being stalked. As soon Numby guide to Belobog museum. The group, their conversation cut off by the arrival of Pela, pauses in front of the grand entrance of the Belobog museum. Pela, with a warm smile on her face, greets them.
Pela: "Ah, welcome! Are you here for a visit?"
Dan Heng steps forward, taking on the role of spokesperson again.
Dan Heng: "Actually, we were here for another reason. We've been following the trail of a group known as the 'Eternal Freeze'."
Pela's friendly demeanour quickly turns into a more serious one.
Pela: "The 'Eternal Freeze', you say? Yes, they've been causing quite a bit of trouble lately. What do you know about them?"
Dan Heng quickly summarised their knowledge, and answers.
Dan Heng: "Not much, unfortunately. We've heard they're causing disturbances in the city, but their goals and origins are still unclear. We were hoping you might have some insight, being the keeper of this museum and all."
Pela nods, understanding their predicament.
Pela: "I see. I can't say I know their true intentions, but I can tell you that they've expressed a great interest in this museum's relics, particularly our history collection."
The group exchanges glances, the pieces slowly falling into place. Jingliu, her sharp mind working, speaks up.
Jingliu: "What kind of interest, exactly? Have they tried to steal anything? Or have they just been asking questions?"
Pela thinks for a moment.
Pela: "More the latter. They keep coming here, asking about some of our oldest exhibits. Specifically, the ones about Belobog's ancient civilization, before the Eternal Freeze."
Topaz, connecting the dots, joins the conversation.
Topaz: "So, they're interested in Belobog's past... That could give us a clue as to why they're causing all this trouble."
Pela, nodding, adds more context.
Pela: "Indeed. They seem particularly keen on the legends and myths surrounding that era. But I've made sure none of our relics have been touched or removed."
Dan Heng, his mind racing, speaks next.
Dan Heng: "And have they threatened you or anyone else at the museum? Tried to force their way in, perhaps?"
Pela shakes her head adamantly.
Pela: "No, nothing like that. They've been strange, yes, but not violent. Just... overly eager about our history."
March 7th, her curiosity piqued, asks.
March 7th: "And what exactly are they curious about? Anything specific or just general history stuff?"
Pela thinks for a moment.
Pela: "Mostly folklore, legends, and mythologies. They're very interested in the stories about Belobog's ancient rulers and the supposed power they wielded."
As the conversation continues, Ruan Mei, her quiet voice cutting through the others, pipes up.
Ruan Mei: "Their interest in folklore is intriguing, given the name they've chosen. 'Eternal Freeze' - isn't that a moniker from old legends?"
Pela nods in agreement.
Pela: "You're right. The name isn't just a coincidence. Many old legends talk about a being known as the 'Eternal Freeze'. A powerful entity that froze everything it touched."
Dan Heng, connecting the dots, muses.
Dan Heng: "So they've chosen their name for a reason. Could they be trying to emulate or associate themselves with this 'Eternal Freeze' entity?"
Vettel, contributing to the discussion, speaks up.
Vettel: "That's a fair assumption. If they've chosen a name like that, they must be looking for some kind of power or legacy. Maybe they think this 'Eternal Freeze' entity holds the key to whatever it is they're after."
Topaz, her business mind running, considers the implications.
Topaz: "If they're really after something powerful, that could explain the chaos. They're trying to draw attention to themselves, create a distraction while they pursue their true goals."
March 7th, her expression reflective, adds her two cents.
March 7th: "So, they're not just trouble-makers. They're on a mission. A weird, chaotic, history-obsessed mission."
Jingliu, her tone thoughtful, speaks up.
Jingliu: "Their actions are starting to make sense. They're not just causing chaos for the sake of it. They're looking for something specific, something related to Belobog's past. But what exactly that is, we still have to find out."
Seele, listening intently, speaks up.
Seele: "If they're after something from Belobog's past, there's one place they've likely already targeted: the Underground market. The market is where old relics change hands, where hidden histories surface."
Pela, surprised, responds.
Pela: "The Underground market? I hadn't even thought of that. You might be right, Seele. That's a place filled with secrets and old treasures and a perfect target for a group like the 'Eternal Freeze'."
Dan Heng, taking in this new information, addresses Seele.
Dan Heng: "You know the Underground well, Seele. What can you tell us about it, especially in terms of what the 'Eternal Freeze' might be looking for?"
Seele, her expression growing serious, answers.
Seele: "The Underground is a melting pot of shady deals, hidden treasures, and ancient trinkets. If they're looking for something from Belobog's past, they'll likely start there. It's the place where old knowledge and rumours are passed down. But you need to be careful; the Underground isn't a place for the faint of heart."
March 7th, her eyes sparkling, says.
March 7th: "Sounds like the perfect place for adventure! Mysterious relics, shady deals, and underground intrigue. This just keeps getting better and better."
Topaz, ever the pragmatist, interjects.
Topaz: "Yes, yes, it's all very exciting. But let's not forget about the danger involved. The 'Eternal Freeze' is dangerous, and the Underground is their territory. We need to be careful, not careless."
Dan Heng, agreeing with Topaz, nods.
Dan Heng: "She's right. We can't let our guard down. The Underground is a dangerous place, and the 'Eternal Freeze' is already in control there. We need to proceed with caution."
Ruan Mei, her voice steady, makes a suggestion.
Ruan Mei: "Perhaps we should try to gather more information before we go barging in. It might not be wise to rush into their territory without knowing what we're up against."
Vettel, understanding Ruan Mei's point, responds.
Vettel: "You've got a good point there. Rushing in blindly is just asking for trouble. We need to be smart about this. Find out as much as we can about the 'Eternal Freeze' before we confront them."
March 7th, not wanting to waste time, chimes in.
March 7th: "But we can't dawdle too much, guys. The longer we wait, the more trouble they'll cause. And who knows what they might do with these relics if they get their hands on them?"
Seele, recognizing the risks, speaks up.
Seele: "We have to strike a balance. Gather information, but act quickly. They've been active and bold, and there's no telling what they'll do next."
Dan Heng, summing up the discussion, speaks.
Dan Heng: "So we don't rush in blind, but we don't delay either. Let's ask around, and see what we can learn about the group and their plans. And if the Underground's where they're most active, that's where we'll start our investigation."
March 7th, her excitement evident, grins.
March 7th: "Great, let's do this! Investigation time, followed by the Underground. This is the stuff of all good movies!"
Ruan Mei, rolling her eyes slightly, responds.
Ruan Mei: "We're not in a movie, March. This is real life. Let's try to keep things grounded, shall we?"
Vettel, unable to hold back a chuckle, responds.
Vettel: "You're fighting a losing battle there, Ruan Mei. March will always make it feel like we're in some action flick."
Ruan Mei, sighing in mild frustration, says.
Ruan Mei: "I know. One can only hope for some level of seriousness, but I've learned not to expect too much."
Seele, growing slightly impatient, interrupts the banter.
Seele: "Enough chatter. We've got a plan on the table. Let's get moving. Time is wasting, and Belobog could be in greater danger than we think if the 'Eternal Freeze' has their hands on these relics."
The rest of the group, snapping out of their light-hearted interactions, nods in agreement. Dan Heng, taking charge, says.
Dan Heng: "Seele's right. Time to focus. We gather what information we can, then head to the Underground. Are we all clear on the plan?"
The rest of the group, snapping out of their light-hearted interactions, nods in agreement. Dan Heng, taking charge, says.
Dan Heng: "Seele's right. Time to focus. We gather what information we can, then head to the Underground. Are we all clear on the plan?"
The group members nod, their faces now serious. The time for light-hearted banter is over; they're now in mission mode. March 7th, her earlier excitement replaced by determination, says.
March 7th: "Got it. Information first, then it's time for some old-fashioned subterranean snooping."
Ruan Mei, her expression calculating, nods.
Ruan Mei: "Correct. We'll find out what we can, then proceed carefully. No unnecessary risks."
Vettel, his muscles tensing with anticipation, adds.
Vettel: "And we watch each other's backs. We stick together and look out for one another. No lone heroics. Got it?"
Dan Heng, a rare smile crossing his face, responds.
Dan Heng: "Agreed. No more recklessness. We watch each other, stay vigilant, and remember, the goal is to protect this city, not show off."
Topaz, always the businesswoman, says.
Topaz: "No heroics, no showing off. We're here to get the job done efficiently and effectively. After all, that's what we're here for: results."
Pela, her eyes on the group, says lastly.
Pela: "You all be careful. The 'Eternal Freeze' isn't to be trifled with. I don't want to hear that any of you got hurt because you were careless."
Jingliu, her voice calm yet stern, speaks.
Jingliu: "We'll be careful, that's a promise. We're not here to take unnecessary risks. We're here to find out what they're after, why they're causing trouble, and stop them before they cause more damage."
The group, their earlier banter replaced by a shared determination, nods in agreement. The task ahead is clear, the potential danger palpable. Dan Heng, once more, addresses the group.
Dan Heng: "Alright, let's do this. Ruan Mei, Topaz, Vettel, you guys go gather information. Seele and I will start asking around the Underworld. March and Jingliu, try to talk to some old-timers, to see if anyone's got stories about the 'Eternal Freeze'. Everyone keeps in touch. We reconvene at sundown."
The group nods, each member silently understanding their role. They begin to disperse, their bodies moving purposefully toward their assigned tasks. The city of Belobog, blissfully unaware of the danger lurking within its own shadow, continues its daily routines as the group sets out to uncover the truth. The sun is low in the sky as the group reconvenes, the cool air of the evening mingling with a sense of foreboding. The dim street lights of Belobog seem to cast unusual shadows as if the city itself is holding its breath in anticipation of what's to come.

Man On The Moon
Fantasy"Vettel Baskerville has been a loyal member of the legendary Astral Express, a spacefaring train that travels across the universe in search of truth and knowledge. However, when he is betrayed by the Stellaron Hunters, a notorious group of space bri...