The next day, after the successful party, Vettel as part of the Galaxy Rangers set off with his older sister, Acheron, and his girlfriend, Robin, on their next adventure. As they walked along the space dock, Vettel couldn't help but feel both excited and a little nervous. Her eyes forward, Acheron was all business as usual, while Robin walked beside him, her hand occasionally brushing against his, a small smile on her face. The three of them boarded a large interstellar ship, its hull gleaming in the artificial light of the docking station. Inside, the ship was a hive of activity as other members of the Galaxy Rangers crew readied the vessel for departure. As the leader of their team, Acheron immediately began issuing orders to the crew, her voice firm and commanding. Vettel still accustomed to her authoritative nature, smiled faintly, knowing that things would run smoothly with her in charge. Robin, who was new to the whole space travel thing, looked around with wide eyes, taking in the hustle and bustle of the ship's interior. The vastness of the ship must be a bit overwhelming for her, but she hid it well, her face full of curiosity and wonder. The three of them stood there in silence for a brief moment. The constant hum of the engines and the soft chatter of the crew provided a steady, almost soothing backdrop noise. Suddenly, Robin broke the silence with a soft exclamation, her eyes wide as saucers.
Robin: "I can't believe we're about to go into outer space. It's... it's incredible." She looked at her two companions, a mix of excitement and trepidation on her face. "You guys have done this before, right? It's not as scary as I'm imagining it, is it?"
Acheron, who had been overseeing the preparations, turned to look at Robin, a small smile on her face.
Acheron: "It can be a bit unnerving the first time, but once you get used to it, it's quite fascinating. The view of the stars, the's different from anything you've ever experienced."
Vettel, seeing Robin's nervousness, chimed in, his voice reassuring.
Vettel: "Don't worry. We'll look after you. And there's nothing in the universe we haven't seen before."
His words seemed to reassure Robin, whose face relaxed slightly. Acheron also glanced at him approvingly.
Acheron: "What he said. And besides, you're with us. Nothing is going to happen."
Robin, feeling a bit more at ease after the reassuring words of Vettel and Acheron, found herself in the mood to sing. She began a soft, melodic tune, her voice echoing in the vastness of the ship. As she sang, the crew members around them paused their preparations for a moment, all listening to the beautiful music. Even Acheron, usually so stoic, looked a little captivated by the song. Vettel, already familiar with Robin's singing, watched her with a small smile on his face. The words of her song spoke of hope, freedom, and the beauty of the unknown. It seemed to fill the ship with a sense of peace and determination, a fitting anthem for the beginning of their journey. Her song eventually ended, and for a moment, there was a reverential silence on the ship. The crew returned to their tasks, but there was a renewed sense of energy in the air. Even Acheron looked impressed.
Acheron: "I forgot how well you sing, Robin. You have quite a talent."
Robin blushed at the compliment, a little pleased with herself. Vettel, hearing this, felt a sense of pride; he'd known all along what a lovely voice Robin had. Vettel, unable to contain his affection for her, stepped forward and pulled Robin into a warm, tight embrace. Her body was soft against his, and she wrapped her arms around his waist, returning the hug. Acheron, witnessing the scene, couldn't help but roll her eyes at the display of affection, but there was a small smile on her face. As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Vettel whispered in Robin's ear, his voice low but audible to her alone.
Vettel: "You were amazing. Your song...I could listen to it for hours."
Robin smiled, burying her face in his chest momentarily before looking up at him, her eyes sparkling. Just then, a crew member called out to Acheron, interrupting their moment.
Crewmember: "Commander, we're ready for departure when you are."
Acheron nodded and turned to Vettel and Robin, her professional demeanour back in place.
Acheron: "You two, settle in. We're about to take off."

Man On The Moon
Fantasy"Vettel Baskerville has been a loyal member of the legendary Astral Express, a spacefaring train that travels across the universe in search of truth and knowledge. However, when he is betrayed by the Stellaron Hunters, a notorious group of space bri...