The group finds themselves transported through the portal to the Xianzhou Luofu, the city ship's intricate and beautiful architecture surrounding them. The atmosphere is heavy with a sense of tension, and the presence of the Cloud Knights is tangible. The mission to rescue Blade has begun. Stelle, looking around, voices her thoughts.
Stelle: "Looks like we're here. But I have a feeling things won't be as easy as we thought."
Dan Heng, his gaze lingering on the surroundings, adds.
Dan Heng: "The Cloud Knights will be on high alert after Kafka's escape. We need to proceed carefully. Stick to the shadows and observe as much as possible."
Caelus, ever the impatient one, chimes in.
Caelus: "We should start by finding Blade's location. The sooner we get him back, the sooner we can get out of here."
March 7th, agreeing with Caelus, nods enthusiastically.
March 7th: "Yeah, let's find Blade first! We can cause chaos and have fun later!"
Vettel, scanning the surroundings, speaks up.
Vettel: "Agreed. The holding cells should be nearby. But we have to watch out for the Cloud Knights. Getting spotted would make our job much harder."
Suddenly, a group of Cloud Knights patrol the area, passing by the group's hiding spot. Caelus holds up a hand, signalling the others to remain hidden.
Caelus: "Shh... Cloud Knights. Let's wait until they're out of sight."The group stays quiet, blending into the shadows and watching the Cloud Knights pass by without detection. Once the coast is clear, Caelus turns to the group with a nod.
Caelus: "Alright, we're clear for now. Let's move."
As the group continues through the city, they come across Fu Xuan, the Diviner of the Luofu. She stands in their path, her expression stoic yet intrigued. Fu Xuan, eyeing the group, speaks up.
Fu Xuan: "You're not from the Luofu. What brings you here?"
Dan Heng, stepping forward, decides to answer her question.
Dan Heng: "We're looking for someone. We've been told they're being held prisoner by the Cloud Knights."
Fu Xuan, her eyes narrowing slightly, responds.
Fu Xuan: "And who, may I ask, is this someone you're looking for?"
Caelus, always blunt, responds.
Caelus: "Blade. We were told he's being held by the Cloud Knights."
Fu Xuan, surprised, raises an eyebrow.
Fu Xuan: "Blade, you say?"
She pauses for a moment, studying the group.
Vettel, ever impatient, decides to press further.
Vettel: "Yes, Blade. Can you tell us where he's being held?"
Fu Xuan, still regarding them carefully, responds.
Fu Xuan: "Why should I trust you? How do I know you're not here to cause trouble?"
Stelle, not one to back down, speaks up.
Stelle: "We don't mean any harm. We just want to talk to Blade. That's all."
Fu Xuan studies Stelle for a moment, her gaze calculating. She seems to be weighing their words and intentions.
Fu Xuan: "If that's the case, then I suppose I could help you locate Blade. The Cloud Knights likely have him in a holding cell within the detention centre."March 7th, excited, speak up.
March 7th: "Great! Can you lead the way?"
Fu Xuan, still somewhat wary, responds.
Fu Xuan: "Yes, I can lead you to the detention centre. But be cautious. The Cloud Knights will not take kindly to outsiders meddling in their affairs."
Caelus, determined, nods in agreement.
Caelus: "We'll be careful. Let's go."
With that, Fu Xuan leads the group through the winding streets of Luofu, eventually guiding them to a heavily guarded detention centre. The security is tight, and the presence of Cloud Knights is more than apparent.Vettel, looking at the security, speaks with worry.
Vettel: "We can't just walk in there. We'll be spotted immediately."
Dan Heng, studying the entrance, agrees.
Dan Heng: "We need a distraction. Something to draw their attention away from the entrance."
Caelus, ever the optimist, chimes in.
Caelus: "How about we cause some chaos? Maybe make some noise and make the Cloud Knights chase after us?"
Stelle, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, grins.
Stelle: "I like that plan. Let's cause some chaos."
March 7th, getting excited, adds her idea.
March 7th: "And make it so they won't forget us for a long, long time!"
Vettel, a sly smile on his face, agrees.
Vettel: "Looks like we agree. Let's show the Cloud Knights a little chaos they won't forget."
Fu Xuan, watching the group, seems amused by their determination.
Fu Xuan smiles slightly.
Fu Xuan: "Well then, I'll leave the distractions to you. I'll wait here and provide support if necessary."

Man On The Moon
Fantasy"Vettel Baskerville has been a loyal member of the legendary Astral Express, a spacefaring train that travels across the universe in search of truth and knowledge. However, when he is betrayed by the Stellaron Hunters, a notorious group of space bri...