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It took some time but eventually Luke stopped crying and Umi's own tears dried up themselves. They sat there for a while, Umi just holding Luke and Luke letting him, enjoying the touch. It felt warm and familiar. Eventually though the silence would have to be broken, but the two boys decided to hold onto it as long as they could. Umi was content to just sit there and to make up for all the lost time he had lost with Luke. It didn't matter that he had so many questions and so many things to tell him. He didn't care about that right now. He had Luke back in his arms and he was going to hold on to that moment for as long as he could. Luke himself was feeling quite the same, he wasn't completely sure as to what had happened ten years ago. He remembered up until the point when Kronos had taken over his body and knew his last thought was 'Percy'. He wasn't sure what had happened after that, what had happened to Percy that had broken him so bad. Why was he wearing a red toga? Was there even more demigods out there somewhere? He had all these questions but he wasn't going to give up these quiet moments just because he wanted some answers.

As the minutes passed, Umi became aware of the sound of footsteps approaching the door. He knew Akila was outside and would stop whoever it was, however he also knew she would not be able to hold them off for long, especially if it was Reyna. Sighing he easily stood to his feet and cradled Luke to his chest. He approached the door and kicked it slightly with his foot. It immediately opened to show Akila's worried face.

"Umi, are you okay? I think Reyna is coming."

He nodded, "I'm fine Akila. I will be taking Luke with me to Cairo. Let me deal with Reyna. You may leave, after Reyna has confirmed that you are not hiding in a closet somewhere. Come."

Umi left the room and walked along the corridor with the grace and confidence of someone had been there multiple times. He took the correct turns unconsciously and simply blamed it on his good memory. He had after all been in the Labrinth when he was younger. He considered this a dawdle in comparison. There was also the fact that the gods loved putting mazes into the pyramids and often had them change randomly throughout the games.

Eventually they emerged into the light outside. Reyna stood there waiting her two dogs beside her, in perfect shape. She watched them cautiously and as they approached her eyes zoomed in on the imp body in Umi's arms.

"I will take him off your hands. Surprisingly I know him, he's a childhood friend."

Reyna nodded satisfied with his answer, "Do you have a way to leave or would you like transport?"

Umi shook his head, "No it's fine, we have our own method of transport."

"Very well, safe journey." Reyna nodded again. In a swirl of black smoke the two Egyptians and the greek left. Many people who saw their exit gaped in astonishment and Reyna paled slightly. To have that much power... the Egyptians would make quite the enemy

Umi reappeared in his room in his villa in Cairo and gently deposited Luke in his huge bed. He looked down at him worriedly. He looked alright. No cuts or bruises that needed to be healed and after a quick diagnosis, he confirmed that there was no broken bones or internal bleeding. He sighe in relief. Not that he thought Reyna was incompetent. But she may have overlooked a few details just because he wasn't seemingly Roman. Now came the hard part of finding out why who ever brought Luke back to life, brought Luke back to life. Also who brought him back to life in the first place. The fact that he came back with Cupid was worrying in itself. He remembered Nico having a run in with Cupid before and that he and Jason were pretty close afterwards. Feelings of jealousy arouse in him him quicker than a cobra but he quickly squashed them down and focused back on Luke. Should he tell Hermes his favourite son was with him?

Thinking on it, he decided that it was better to tell him now rather than risk the temperamental god from finding out the information later and second hand. Leaving a hurried not on the bedside locker for Luke, he kissed his temple, changed his clothes and shadow-walked to the throne room in Olmypus. Zeus was the only god there at the moment and he glared suspiciously at him until he spoke.

"I request an audience with Hermes, Zeus. Would that be possible please?" he voiced, feeling proud of himself for adding that 'please' on the end.

"I suppose I can arrange something." Zeus muttered unhappily. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and a second later Hermes appeared next to Umi. Umi bowed shallowly acknowledging the god. He had some respect for him. Not much though mind.

"Lord Hermes, may I request your presence at my home please. I must warn that this is merely a once off and there will be no second chance should you choose to come at a different time."

"And why would I be interested in following you?" Hermes asked curiously.

"Someone you hold dear to your heart, if I'm not mistaken. A child."

Almost immediately Hermes expression and stance changed, fury and tension wracking his body. "You dare to steal a child of mine. What for?" he demanded.

Umi sighed tiredly not at all bothered by the furious god. He had faced off worse in his opinion.

"No, lord. Simply I found him in the Roman camp and thought you might like to meet him again."

"Why was one of my sons in the Roman camp? Is this to do with that stranger that suddenly showed up not long back?"

"Rather that stranger is one of your children and not that of your counterparts."

"Very well, I may go with you. To where are we going?"

"I'm afraid that you will not be able to travel there. I will need to take you myself."

Umi held out his arm and looked at Hermes expectantly. Slowly, looking at him with distrustful eyes, Hermes took the offered arm and in a swirl of shadows they were gone from the throne room.

They reappeared in Umi's bedroom the bed now empty. A crash form the kitchen and a startled yelp made Umi sigh. He had hoped he could leave Luke for longer thn five minutes with no trouble but apparently he couldn't though.

He led Hermes towards the kitchen where he was sure the sound had come from. Along the way he told Hermes a few things.

"I shall leave the two of you here to reunite with each other. While you are here you will have free range of the house. I must aske though that you stay in the house. Do not under any circumstances step outside, both if you. I cannot guarantee your safety outside. There is food in the big fridge and ambrosia in the slightly smaller one. Please do not enter a room if it's locked. If it is, there I more than likely a good reason for it. I am giving you a great privilege to enter my home like this, do not destroy the trust I am placing in you.

Hermes nodded along showing he was paying attention albeit slightly distracted.

Entering the kitchen Hermes finally caught sight of his long lost (And until recently, dead) son. He froze immediately unable to believe the sight before him.

"Luke?" he whispered brokenly.

Umi silently left them, unwilling to intrude on such an intimate moment for the father and son.

He shadowed to the stables in camp half-blood, hoping to find a job to do. He always found the sweet smell of hay to be relaxing. He loved working with horses and spent nearly all his free time with them back home in Egypt. Just as he was grabbing a brush he was knocked over in a flurry of wings and hooves. He fell to the floor with a thud nearly being crushed under the weight of the Pegasus that had fallen on him.

"Oh my gods boss, is that really you?!"

Umi blinked in surprise.



Okay so don't completely kill me. I know you were all waiting for this for a long time and I sorry it took me so long to get it up. We are actually coming close to the end of the story. Another few chapters and it will be finished. I will be starting a Harry Potter fanfiction after this one. Im sorry for the picture didn't show up in the last chapter I don't know what happened there but I think you can figure out that it was meant to be Blackjack. Thank you everyone for your support and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! ;)

Luv y'all


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