Chapter 2.

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~ 8000 Ma'at years later ~







The sound of metal against metal calms me and sharpens my senses. Its times like this that I'm really in my element. I am training with my closest friend and almost brother in the arena. Abasi and i have been at it for nearly three hours now not stopping even for a break. We were determined to find out who was better. He had been trained by Horus himself but i had been trained by a number of gods so i had a range of skills from all of them.

Our friends were sitting in the stands watching us looking amused. Earlier i had heard those taking bets on who would win.

Akil, Dahlila and Akila had bet on me while Bennu, Aziza and Adio had bet on Abasi.

Knowing that i had two kids of the god of wisdom on my side had upped my competitiveness and i was determined to win.

Finally i saw an opening on Abasis' right. I lunged and flicked my sword against his thigh.

Instinctively one of his hands dropped one of his twin swords to clutch his wound.

A second too late he realised his mistake and his second sword clattered to the ground.

I smirked victoriously and slid my own twin blades in their sheaths.

I clicked my fingers and healed his wounds.

"My win, شقيق." (A/N: Means Brother)

He scowled at me but soon sighed and shook his head.

"Very well then, you win Umi." he said with a smile.

"But i still beat you at archery!"

"Touché!" i joked with him.

I could hear our friends complaining about losing their money and i grinned wider. We casually made our way towards them, sweat dripping of us. They saw us approaching and grinned and waved.

I snuck a glance at Abasi who was looking at me. We both grinned and nodded.

As we got nearer to our friends we both held out our arms and made our way towards the girls.

Akila and Bennu shrieked and held their daggers out at me.

Dahlila and Aziza laughed at them until they saw Abasi coming for them. They shrieked too and ran half way up the stands.

Abasi and i fell to the floor laughing, while the girls glared daggers at us. Akil and Adio sniggered and they turned their glare on to them.

They instantly stopped and tried their best to look solemn.

Abasi and i smirked at them. They looked like idiots.

We stood up and Dahlila cautiously pecked Abasi on the cheek. I grinned.

They had been going out for a few years now and were the cutest couple ever. Hathor was thrilled that her daughter had scored a 'strong, handsome young gentleman' and was planning their wedding.

She was insisting that i be best man and that Akila be head bridesmaid. Also that it was going to be a HUGE princess wedding.

I shuddered inwardly. Princess meant pink. I despise the colour pink.

Hathor, in case you didn't know was the Egyptian goddess of love. She is way cooler than Aphrodite.

"I'll see you guys later. I'm gonna have a shower." i said, waving goodbye to them.

They all said bye back and i teleported to my villa.

Yes i had a villa. Being general of Ptah, god of creations army did have its perks.

I ran the shower and undressed. Thankfully, after years of painful training, my muscles weren't aching at all. I had improved drastically over the past 8000 years.

I had changed drastically.

My once brown hair had now darkened to a raven black and my sea green eyes were now black also. Although they changed occasionally according to my moods.

I had an unbelievable tan and blood red wings sprouted from my back with a span of 11 metres. My bones had thinned slightly to accommodate the wings and now i was more light and quick on my feet.

I had changed my name from Percy to Umi which meant life in Egyptian.

As i had been disowned by Poseidon i had been adopted by the god Ptah.

That day i first stepped on to the streets of Cairo was the start of my new life.

The three boys had been Abasi, Adio and Akil. The girl had been Akila.

~ Flashback, 8000 Ma'at years ~

I sat on my bench and watched them as they made their way towards me. I didn't move except to pat Mrs L, who was growling again. They stopped in front of me and the leader, a tall boy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes asked, "Who are you?"

He had brilliant English.

I tilted my head and said, "Percy and you?"

He flashed me a white smile and said, "Abasi. Why are you in Cairo and where are you from? You sound American and yet you have a godly heritage."

I flashed him a smile to rival his own and replied, "I am indeed American. But i have been disowned by my godly parent. You are i suppose Egyptian demi-gods?"

He looked a bit shocked but nodded.

"Why did your parent disown you?" the girl asked.

I scowled, "Because he is a backstabbing jerk who loves himself."

They gasped and i looked at them. They look horrified. I silently cursed myself.

"No, no. I have different gods than you. I am from Greek origins!"

Abasi shook his head. "NO! We are shocked because we can't believe that your parent disowned you! That is despicable! Doesn't your parent love you?"

I scoffed. "Hardly. We barely even talk. All Greek gods pretty much ignore their half-blood children. We're all pretty much used to it actually..." i trailed off looking at their once again horrified expressions.

"What? Do your parents actually talk to you?" i asked looking at them confused.

Wordlessly they nodded and suddenly the girl rushed forward and hugged me.

I sat there slightly shocked. She pulls back, tears in her eyes and introduces herself.

"I am Akila the Intelligent, daughter of Thoth, God of Wisdom and Scribes. You Percy are now officially my adopted half-brother. I don't care what you think or say. We are going to show you the love and family of Egyptian gods and goddesses."

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