Chapter 1.

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As I walk through the camp people cluster together and start whispering. I know they're talking about me. I'm used to it by now. So much has happened after the war. We had won of course. Having the Romans on our side had really helped. Gaia was defeated and now we finally had peace.

Well everyone except me.

Not three weeks after the war I had found Annabeth sucking face with some guy from the Apollo cabin whose name I certainly wasn't bothered with. Then I found out that the people I considered my friends absolutely hated me and were trying to find a way to get me kicked out of camp and quite possibly into Tartarus.

Annabeth and I had broken up. I had stopped talking to anyone and was constantly training to get fitter and better. I had walked through the river Styx again, my anchor surprisingly being Nico, the last person I actually felt some degree of trust to.

Even my own parents had betrayed me. My mum was constantly avoiding me and giving me dirty looks whenever she couldn't. Paul had been bad mouthing me and my dad was giving me the cold shoulder. I couldn't understand why. What had I done to warrant such hatred? Had I been to presumptuous in considering everyone my friends?

As I walked towards the creek the whispering increased. I had changed a lot since this all started. I had become more hard, not smiling and joking as much as I used to. There was nothing to smile at anymore. Now I either had a scowl on my face or I had no expression at all.

Everyone was beginning to even get scared of me now. I snapped at people, sometimes even made them cry. My emotions were even starting to affect the weather the odd time. I caused a mini tsunami one day because someone had whispered 'weirdo' at me as I walked past them.

Now though I was beginning to feel rather lonely. Nico was away at his dad's palace in the underworld and the hate for me at camp had spread to camp Jupiter. It seemed that everyone was against me.

And I was mad.

So damn mad, because after everything I did for these people and the gods I was being treated like a pile of dirt. The only gods who I still respected were Hades, Ares, Artemis and Dionysus.

I stood on the banks of the creek looking at the water as it flowed by. I was going to leave that night. I was sick of the two camps. I'd rather spend it out in the real world even if it was more dangerous.

But I had heard of more demigods, different than us descended from different gods.

I wanted to see if I could find them hoping if they would accept me into their culture or community. My bag was already packed and I was taking Mgrs. O'Leary with me. Shadow travelling was the only safest way for me to travel.

I stayed beside the creek until the sun began to set. If I concentrated hard enough I could see Apollo zooming through the sky on his chariot, laughing like a mad man.

I shook my head and scowled. I slowly made my way back towards my cabin, staring into the Hades cabin as I past it. I shook my head again and continued to my cabin. I was the only one there, Tyson was away at the underwater forges and honestly I was glad he was. I really wanted to be on my own right now.

I set an alarm for 12 o'clock and collapse on my bed, asleep even before my head hits the pillow.

I wake up a few hours later. It's already twelve. I stagger out of bed and groggily pulled on my shoes. As I begin to waken up, I sling my rucksack over my shoulder and walk over towards my night stand where Riptide is lying.

I place it in my pocket and quietly make my way towards the arena where my hell hound sleeps. Her head lifts up and her ears prick when I step closer. I pat her on the head and she makes a sound in her throat that almost sounds like a purr.

Her tail wags so fast it's almost a blur. I smile something extremely rare these days. I climb on to her back and sit there for a moment before taking Riptide out of my pocket.

My dad never told me before but half of my power was stored in this very sword, well pen right now. So as powerful as I was now, that was only half of my power. I look at the sword in my hand, glowing under the moon light and feel a surge of anger. Anger directed towards everyone who had hurt me.

In a second I snap the pen in half and throw it away into a pile of pegasus dirt. I feel my power flow into me and I feel incredible. So strong. Strong enough to take on an army of gods even though I know that that's not quite possible.

There is a flash of lightning and a roar of anger. I hear the wave's crash against the shore angrily and I know I have gravely insulted my father.

Good. He deserved it.

I lean down to whisper in Mrs O'Leary's ear. The one place I might fit in. She barks and the next moment we have melted into the shadows. Gone.

I know that seconds after we left Poseidon is standing in front of the place we just were, his face so full of anger that it is slightly deformed.

That happens when he is completely enraged.

I smirk to myself. No doubt he is picking up the pieces of the sword, disowning me to Tartarus and back. Sure enough I feel the bond between us snapping. It is done. I am disowned. But I don't care anymore because now I'm free.

Plus knowing Hades and his hate for his brothers he would most definitely not tell Poseidon that I had shadow travelled or to where I had shadow travelled to. It would most probably slip his mind.

It takes a while but we finally arrive at our destination. Its early morning as I step on to the streets of Cairo. Mrs O/Leary is by my side. People hurry by not even sparing us a glance.

I'm grateful too. I didn't think I could handle any sympathy; I had to keep my rough facade up.

The mist plays with the mortal's eyes and all they see is a boy with quite a large Rottweiler walking through the streets.

I come across a small coffee shop and thankfully am able to buy a roll and coffee.

I sit on a bench across the street and eat throwing some ham to my 'Rottweiler' and after a while I pull out a steak from my back pack.

Mrs L whines and I chuckle. I toss her the meet and down the last bits of my coffee.

I sit there for a while just watching people going about their lives. I figured it would be better if the other demi gods found me instead of me finding them.

About an hour later the hairs on the back of my neck start to prickle and Mrs L growls dangerously. I look around, my gaze landing on a group of teenagers around my age.

Three boys and a girl. To anyone looking they were just traveling kids in shorts and red t-shirts but they couldn't see the deadly weapons strapped to various parts of their bodies.

I smirked across at them.

Looks like they found me.


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