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Whispers were circling the camp and Umi was feeling quite confused. It wasn't the upcoming game the Greeks were talking about. Apparently something had happened in the roman camp and the two praetors were disturbed because of the events that had taken place there. Something about how someone had arrived to them quite like he had all them years ago. Funnily enough, their exact words were, 'how the great hero Percy Jackson had arrived'. Only this kid had collapsed from exhaustion as soon as he  had crossed the border. Also a minotaur had been chasing him instead of Medusa's sisters.

Honestly Umi was quite disappointed. Just because someone had shown up at the camp with Cupid and being chased with a minotaur, didn't mean they could just ignore him and his friends. They only had two days until 'Capture the Flag' for gods sake and he was positive they didn't have a full team yet.

He knew Clarisse and Annabeth were on the team, as were the Stoll twins but they were still four players short.

Another group of girls walked passed him giggling at his shirtless chest. He rolled his eyes. He was working out! It was if they had never seen a guys chest before.  Well they probably had but he did have an admittedly gorgeous chest. He was sure Nico would agree. It was broad and well defined, as if it was chiseled from marble.

He smirked to himself. He needed to stop doing that.

Thoughts of Nico flooded his mind again. Shirtless Nico, embarrassed Nico,  Nico in a tuxedo. The list went on and he found himself desperately longing for his company again. But Nico was off searching for 'Percy' at the moment. He was back in Cairo trying to find a lead and had specifically told Umi to stay put and not disturb him. He had pouted for a full hour after that and was still upset that he couldn't call in to say hello. Nico was unbreakable though and hadn't backed down.

That was how he found himself out in the arena going through his sword skills and trying to come up with a new style.

Horus had always told him and Abasi to be creative and use a variety of styles, because there was a good chance your opponent would know how to fight against you.

Subsequently,  the thought of asking Horus to visit him for a duel crossed his mind. He dismissed the idea, Horus was no doubt busy...

Oh screw it!

"Horus? Are you busy?"

"Nah. What's up baby Bro?"

"I despise that nickname... do you want to spar with me? I'm bored and I want to test out this new styleI've been developing."

"Oh Yay!  Ok give me aminute!"

Moments later a form shimmered before him and Horus came into view. He was moving before he had even formed fully, hoping to catch Umi off guard.  But Umi had had loads of practise sparring with Horus and he knew how much he liked surprises.

He easily blocked the blow and they were away. The clash of the swords were heard all over the camp and even drew quite a crowd. The rest of Umi's friends reappeared and stood silently off to the side watching the fight with interest. They had only ever seen Umi fight Horus with Abasi helping him,  though it was obvious that he could hold his own.

The Ares cabin had to grudgingly admit that he was good. They still weren't sure who the new comer was, but the Aphrodite cabin and already deemed him a triple A hottie. 

The Egyptians found this funny seeing as he was the sun god...

After a while Abasi decided to join in with Horus against Umi, who still hadn't broken a sweat yet. Even after half an hour. Collective gasps sounded throughout the arena yet Umi still didn't bat an eyelid.

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