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 Our feet thudded heavily on the sidewalk. We were in the Universal Studios in Orlando. I intended to take Nico out on a FUN trip so this was the first place that popped into my head. I quickly fashioned some clothes for myself and linked fingers with Nico.

Crossing the street I showed the warden our VIP pass tickets. He let us pass without problem smiling at us and wishing us fun. I grinned and nodded and pulled a reluctant Nico after me.

 “Umi… just where exactly are we and why are we here?” he asked doubtfully.

 “We are in Orlando studios and we are here to have fun!” I said grinning at him. 

He raised an eyebrow. “You really are just one big child aren’t you?” 

“Hey!” I said acting insulted, “I like to think of myself as a responsible immature adult!” I said grandly, puffing my chest out proudly.

This only served to make his smirk turn to a grin, “In other words a great big child…” 

I deflated a bit and glared at him, “Stop ruining my day! We are here to have fun and if that includes being a great big child so be it! I will do it for the sake of fun-ness!” I said valiantly.

He merely chuckled and said, “I somehow doubt that ‘fun-ness’ is an actual word…” completely ignoring my manliness.

I huffed and glared at him deciding not to react to the bait he wsa so obviously holding out for me. I turned away, still holding on to his hand and tried spotting a ride we could go on. It was tough work with all the people, but eventually I found the one I was looking for. It was the Hollywood Tower of Terror.

I grinned happily and tugged Nico in the direction of the ride. I heard Nico sigh behind me but I decided to ignore him, in favour of getting through the crowds in one piece. Again it wasn’t easy but I made it!

When Nico finally caught on to where I was bringing him he sped up a bit, seemingly just as eager as I was to get on the ride. I smirked smugly at him, but he just rolled his eyes at me mouthing the words ‘big child’ at me. I stuck my tongue out. He looked at me pointedly. I blushed a little but smiled anyway.

We were waiting for about fifteen minutes in line and Nico wouldn’t stop complaining once. I could see all the workers trying their hardest not to lose their happy customer mask’s but it was obvious they were struggling. I hid my smirk behind my hand and pretended to be yawning when Nico glared at me. I shrugged at him.

“You really should stop complaining. It just makes you look like an impatient and temperamental child… plus it gives you wrinkles… where did I read that? Or did Akila tell me or something..? hmm I’ll have to ask her when we get back…” I said mumbling the last bit to myself.

I frowned then.

I didn’t want Nico getting wrinkles from complaining or frowning… he wouldn’t look as pretty then… with this realisation fresh in my mind I gasped quickly turned to Nico, who was still frowning, and picked him up to swing him around. Just before I set him back on to solid ground I gave him a quick peck on the lips before grinning happily.

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