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Ayame laid on her back, her green eyes trying to take in the beauty of the sky. She now realized why Shikamaru loved looking at clouds and wished she could just wake up so she could go see some real ones. She was eager to know what was happening in the real world. 

Ayame hated this, she felt useless as she laid in her own mind, lost in here. Would she actually go with her family? Ayame let out a sigh. 

She wished she knew what she was going to do because for all she knew, Kuri was telling her lies. The women had done that before which resulted in Ayame almost dying. 

The girl squinted her eyes at the sky, sitting up when she thought she saw something within the clouds. A gust of wind came then, sweeping all the clouds away. Ayame let out a gasp, the sky in front of her seeming to crack. The pieces fell down, landing with huge booms all around her. 

Ayame let out a scream as a piece looked like it was going to land on her and scrambled out of the way just in time. That was when she decided to try and figure out what was happening. The red-head started to jump on falling pieces, watching as the hole in the sky became brighter as she got closer. 

Then she woke up. 


Tenten let out a groan as she cracked her back and knuckles. "Ne, Gai-sensei, why did you make us do those exercises?!" 

Gai let out a laugh, shaking his head at his only female student. "Oh, Tenten!" 

The girl let a sweat drop appear on her head, thinking that her sensei was certainly going insane. 

"Just deal with it, Tenten." Neri mumbled under his breath, praying to kami that Gai hadn't heard. 

Lee gave a thumbs up to his teammates, training more then ever now that foot and arm were fixed. "We must be youthf---."

The boy was cut short by a female voice, one that was all too familiar to the brown-haired girl. "Tenten!"

Ayame walked over to the group, a smile on her face. Her arm was wrapped in a cast as well as having bandage wrapped around her head. Tenten frowned at the sight of her friend, instantly going to ask her what happened but it seemed Neji beat her to it. 

". . . What happened to you?" 

Ayame titled her head, confused too as what he was talking about before she seemed too remember her current state. She let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of her head with her non-broken hand. "Fell down the stairs, no big deal." 

Neri narrowed his eyes at the girl in front of him, noting how her eyes were looking anywhere except at the people in front of her. He could also see how nervous the girl was but decided not too pry, seeing as TenTen had already accepted that answer. 

"Alright then!" She slung her arm over Ayame's shoulder, starting too drag the girl somewhere. "Let's me and you have a little talk, alright?" 

Gai watched his female genin walk away with his friend, wiping away a stray tears. "That is the wonderful thing called youth!"

TenTen turned her smile into a frown, looking at Ayame while she walked next too her. "Tell me what really happened. Now.

Ayame shifted uncomfortably under the hard stare, trying too find another lie too tell TenTen. She really didn't want the girl thinking she was actually going insane even though it was painfully obvious. She had spent years being experimented on, she was bound too go insane one day. 

With one more look from TenTen, Ayame sighed, deciding to just tell the girl the truth. "I broke my own arm. On my way to the hospital, I got attacked. There are ANBU out looking for my attacker but so far they haven't found anything."

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