Chapter Three

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Ayame tilted her head at the forehead protector in her hands, trying too decide where she should place it. First she put it up against her waist and scrunched up her nose in the mirror, shaking her head. "No, definitely not." 

She then placed it against her forehead, as she ad seen many other's do and shook her head again, her red hair flying around. Deciding to go with her last option, Ayame tied the forehead protector around her neck, sighing. 

Ayame thought it wasn't the best place she could put it, seeing as it could easily get in the way, but it was the only spot she had left and she was sure she was already running late. Quickly running out of her room, Ayame passed Kurenai, smiling, "Bye!" She called before she left the house, running to the academy. 

Ayame got there as quick as she could and her eyes widened once she saw when she got into the classroom. In front of her were two boys, kissing, one was Naruto and the other was Sasuke Uchiha. The sight surprised her, seeing as she always thought Naruto had liked Sakura Haruno. It seems the young girl was wrong, yet again. 

Shaking her head from the sight of Naruto being beat up from Sasuke's fangirls, Ayame took her seat next to her friend, Hinata. Ayame liked Hinata, seeing as the girl was quiet and usually kept to herself, the same way Ayame did. She guessed that was why they got along so well, they were almost exactly the same. 

Ayame scrunched up her nose, an anime vein forming on her head at she caught Kiba looking at her again, "Stop looking at me, pervert!" She shouted, punching the boy on his head. Everyone around them started too laugh, and Ayame turned red in embarrassment. 

Seconds later, Iruka walked in and everyone instantly stopped talking, anxiously awaiting the news on what team they would be placed on. 

As Iruka started explaining everything, how there would be teams of three and one of four, Ayame tuned him out. She didn't care about the rules, she just wanted too know who her team mates were! Ayame secretly hoped that she would be placed on the same team as Kiba, but she would never let anyone know that. She also wished Hinata was on her team, seeing as the Hyuga had been Ayame's first friend. 

Ayame tuned back in as Iruka started reading off team seven's names, "Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sasuke Uchiha." Both Sakura and Naruto looked like they wanted too die. 

Naruto went off shouting about "why was he placed on the same team as Sasuke" and it just escalated from there. Ayame shook her head again, leaning forward on the desk, only wanting too know her team. 

"Moving on. . . " Ayame heard Iruka mumble, and turned, looking at her Sensei. "Team eight! Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga and Ayame!" The young girl couldn't help herself as a smile broke out across her face and she looked next to her, seeing Hinata smiling shyly as well. 

Ayame's smile disappeared however when she heard a groan next to her, "Oh come on!" Kiba shouted, causing everyone too look at him and snicker, knowing how much the boy disliked the red-haired girl now on his team. 

"You have something too say, Kiba?" Iruka asked, trying too maintain his cool. 

"Yeah! I don't want to be on the same team as an ugly, weak girl!" Iruka sighed, going too explain the same thing he had just told Naruto but stopped when he saw the dark aura coming off of Ayame. 

"What did you say, Kiba?" Ayame muttered, her eyes hooded by a shadow. 

Kiba turned, a smirk placed upon his face, "I said you're an ugly --" He stopped short, his eyes widening as Ayame jumped onto his. 

"Take that back!" She shouted, now sitting on top of Kiba. 

Iruka sighed, and just left the room, deciding not too bother with the troublesome pair. The other students went about their business, ignoring the two rolling around in the middle of the classroom floor. However, everyone stopped once the door opened once again and a women walked through, a man smoking a cigarette right behind her. 

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