Chapter One

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Ayame opened her eyes, and was blinded by white. It wasn't the first time, but she had most certainly not been expecting it. She tried blinking her eyes to get her vision to adjust to the brightness, when it finally did she could see the deep cracks lining the walls, and faintly hear a random beeping sound. 

The sound irritated her. Turning her head to try and locate the sound, she spotted the heart monitor and watched her heart beep irregularly. Tracing the cord from the monitor to the Iv in her arm, she pulled it out wincing as she did so. 

The heart monitor flat lined and Ayame barely glanced at it, not thinking of it as anything important. That is, until the sound of rushing feet appeared in front of her door. 

"In here! Hurry!" At the sound of voices, Ayame jumped out of bed and almost fell to the floor, her legs giving away underneath her. She muttered a curse word and struggled to stand as soon as the door opened. 

"Stop!" She heard someone scream before she jumped from the window. She still had not yet seen her leg in the thin cast covering it and landed roughly on the ground, screaming out in pain. In the corner of her eye she could see two people jump out of the window as well and land behind her. 

Ayame once again got to her feet, trying her hardest to run but once again only succeeded in falling to the ground. Her teeth smashed together sennding an ache throughout her entire jaw. She shut her eyes in hopes that whoever was there would just disappear but too no avail. 

"What were you thinking...?" She heard someone mutter, and squeaked as they picked her up. Immediately recognizing the person as a male which just frightened her more as she thought it was Kabuto or someone else. 

"You're scaring the poor girl, Kakashi." This voice she recognized immediately and she actually opened her eyes, seeing once again the red swirling eyes and black hair. 

Seeing Kurenai made Ayame sigh in relief as she realized she was in no actual danger. Yet, she didn't want to go back to that plain room. It hurt her eyes, and smelled of death. A smell Ayame knew all to well. 

Ayame looked up at Kakashi just in time too see him roll his eyes at Kurenai and screamed slightly as he jumped in the air and went back to Ayame's room. 

As soon as Kakashi set her down on her bed, she once started trying to run. This invovled lots of biting, kicking, punching, and eventually Ayame was tied down with restraints as they once again connected the Iv into her arm. 

She hissed at the pain of the needle going in, and the nurse stared at her with wide eyes. This child shouldn't have even been alive, and she sounded like some kind of monster. Her been so thin made matters even worse. 

Her skin was stretched as far as it could go, and if someone hadn't known this girl had a problem, she would give even children nightmares. 

Finally, the nurse hurried out of the room. Ayame was now left alone with Kurenai and Kakashi, two very skilled ninja and with no chance of escaping. 

"So..," Kakashi started, trying to make a conversation with the strange girl, "I heard Kurenai gave you a name, eh?" 

Ayame just glared at Kakashi, her eyes narrowing to slits. Kakashi sighed, shaking his head at this girl, knowing she would defiantly be trouble. 

"Not going to talk? Alright, well that's fine with me. I don't like talking either." Kakashi shrugged and pulled a chair next to Ayame's bed and pulled out a book. 

Kurenai groaned once she saw what Kakashi was reading, yet once again. She as well pulled a chair up next to Ayame's bed and looked Ayame straight in the face, ignoring the child's glare. 

"I'm not scared of you, like Kakashi, Ayame." Kurenai stated, rolling her red eyes. 

"Oi!" Kakashi yelled, looking at Kurenai, "I'm not afraid of her! She's just intimidating!" 

Ayame giggled quietly as the two bickered back and forth, stopping at once as soon and Kakashi looked at her with a raised eyebrow. 

"I heard that." He said, as if he knew everything. 

"Did not." Ayame said, saying the first words the two ever heard out of her small body. Her voice was small and quiet, which matched her personality perfectly. 

"Did too," Kakashi countered, feeling slightly immature for arguing with a child. 

"Did---" Ayame was cut off by Kurenai putting her hand on her mouth. Grinning, she licked Kurenai's hand and Kurenai scrunched up her face. 

"Why in the world did you just lick my hand, Ayame?" 

Ayame shrugged, her smile still wide on her face. 

"Well, anyways. You're in Konoha, and I think you're going to like it here, Ayame." 

"I think you're crazy for thinking that." 


Whoops, here's a update for all you lovely people. 

Picture on side of how I imagine Ayame to look. :) 

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