Chapter Seven

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Tenten woke in the middle of the night, having her what sounded like struggling in the bed next to her's. Ayame and her where still in the hospital, they were to be discharged tomorrow before the second exam started. The two girls where sharing a room and since the noises were pretty loud, Tenten had finally decided to look at see what was happening.

Tenten's eyes were met with Ayame thrashing around in her bed, her pillow soaked with her sweat. Tentens started to get up, but the pain that shot through her leg made her stop. She swore silently under her breath, looking around the room for an object that she could just throw at the girl and hope it woke her up.

Tenten settled for throwing her pillow, and grinned when it hit Ayame hit in the face, the girl shooting up in bed. "Finally! I was worried you where gonna die in your sleep."

Ayame looked at the pillow that had landed in her lap, then furrowed her eyebrows at Tenten. "Did I wake you?"

Tenten just waved her hand, dismissing Ayame rather quickly. "I'm used to it. I've got a large family, so they always keep me up like this."

Ayame just nodded before she threw the pillow right back at Tenten. The pillow hit the girl hit in the middle of her face and she fell right off of the bed. "O-oi!"


Tenten was once again seated on her bed, looking at her lap quietly as Ayame was just looking at the room, taking in her surroundings. "Ne, what was your dream about?"

Ayame tensed up, glancing at Tenten from the corner of her eyes before she just stared out the window. She was debating with herself if she should tell the girl or just say it was a nightmare. However, no matter what she said, her whole life had been one big nightmare, so she automatically confused herself.

Tenten blanched as she watched Ayame confuse herself. The young girl seemed to have gotten swirls in her eyes and she laid back on her bed, the confusion radiating off of her. "You don't have to tell if ya don't wanna!" Tenten quickly said, trying to cover up her words with more.

"I was. . ."

Tenten listened closely, wondering what could have been so bad in the dream, her eyes narrowing at the thought.

"I was "tortured" as a child," Ayame began, the thoughts sending chills down Tenten's spine. "I was having nightmares, no, more like memories of that."

The room was quiet after that, Tenten breaking the silence at least ten minutes later. "I don't have memories like that, but I did have a pretty rough childhood. I have five siblings, three older brothers and two younger. We were traveling to Konoha because of my parents weapon shop, hoping that we would get more business here." Tenten froze in her words, gulping so loudly Ayame could hear it where she sat. "My mother was pregnant when we where mugged by bandits and she was killed with my father. I was going to have a little sister. . ."

Ayame sat quietly throughout this, her fists clenching tighter with every word Tenten said. She may have not understood the emotions she was feeling but she was certain, the only emotion that she could describe this as was rage.

"Two days later my brothers, grandmother and I were saved by Konoha ninja themselves. It was too late for my mother and father but. . . it gave me the courage I needed to become a ninja." Tenten finished her story, wiping her eyes quickly. Ayame glanced over and noticed that the girl had a small smile on her face. She was feeling pain, yet she could still smile, Ayame didn't understand how this girl could be so strong.

"You're so strong, Ayame-chan. I could barely function after two days of torture, yet here you are, after your whole childhood."

Tenten didn't say anything more after that, instead she laid down on her hospital bed, the soft breaths coming a few minutes later indicating that she was asleep.

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