Chapter Five

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Ayame pouted to herself and she snatched a card with a number written on it from the chunin in front of her. The man just twitched his eye at her, irritation shown all throughout his face.

Ayame glanced at the small piece of paper which told her which row and what seat she would sitting in throughout the first exam. She wasn't happy that her approach to Kabuto had been interrupted, she had been scared to face him but she most certainly wanted to pound his face him at the moment. Yet, she secretly hoped in the back of her mind that she wasn't seated next to him.

Ayame glanced around, trying to locate row "H", when she finally did she moved down the seats until finally she found it. It was right in the middle of some weird looking women and a boy with black, shaggy hair and glasses perched on the bridge of his noise. Ayame could feel herself blush, her emotions running wild and her heart beating in her chest. She awkwardly sat down, looking down at the desk in front of her while playing with her fingers in her lap.

That was when Ayame heard the small hiss in her ear, looking out of the corner of her eyes and she saw the weird women from earlier right next to her face. The women smiled at Ayame and that was when she saw the long tongue hidden inside the women's mouth.

"Now dear child, this is where you had run off to, is that it?" Orochimaru's voice sent shivers down Ayame's back and she could feel her eyes widen in fear and the sweat start to collect on her face. "What? Is the strong, little girl afraid now?"

"S-stop it." Ayame could barely hear her voice, the tears blurring her vision. Ayame was strong when it came to Kabuto, but Orochimaru was a whole different story. He was the man who had tortured her, most likely killed her family, so she felt like she had every need to be afraid of him.

"Oh, dear, there's nothing be afraid of. You will be mine again. I swear —-"

"Are you deaf? She asked you to stop." Ayame's head snapped over to the new voice, her eyes landing on the dark haired boy sitting on her other side. Her eyes drifted to his headband, noting that he was from the village hidden in the waterfall. His voice had attracted the attention of the people of around the three, along with the two chunin sitting next to their row.

"Is something the matter?" One of the chunin's asked, starting to stand up.

Orochimaru made a low hissing sound, and sat forward in his seat once again. "No, everything is fine."

The chunin nodded, sitting back down. Ayame tuned out everything our proctor, Ibiki, was saying, instead she kept glancing at the boy out of the corners of her eyes. "T-thank you." She mumbled quietly, her heart still beating wildly in her chest.

The boy just nodded, his attention on Ayame but his eyes on Ibiki but Ayame didn't miss the small smirk playing on his lips. "It's my job to protect the people who can't protect themselves."

Adam couldn't believe what she had just heard, her mouth falling open and as she went to go speak the was once again interrupted by Ibiki. "Okay, you may all start —- NOW!"

That was when Ayame noticed the paper in front of her and she turned the paper over and she instantly got a confused expression on her face. She had no idea how to answer any of these questions, but she knew someone that would.

Ayame entered the realms of her mind, something that usually only did when she was sleeping and stopped when she stood in front of the women in her head. She stared at the back of Kuri's long brown hair for awhile before finally saying something, "I need your help."

"I know you do, child. I'm simply choosing not to help you."

Ayame glared at the back of Kuri's head, her cheeks turning as red as her hair. "The one time I really need help, you won't give it to me?"

Kuri just sighed before she slowly turned around to face Ayame. She looked Ayame straight into her eyes before Ayame was once again in reality and she realized she only had a good thirty minutes before the test was over. She had wasted more time then planned and swore under her breath.

'The answer is very simple. I hope you realize this. You're supposed to cheat.'

Ayame jumped at the sudden sound of Kuri's voice in her head before she nodded and listened to Kuri tell her the answers. Ayame finished with fifteen minutes left to spare and fell asleep with her forehead resting against the desk. Ayame woke up to the sound of glass breaking and her head snapped up. The test paper was stuck on Ayame's check and the pencil fell off of her forehead instantly. Ayame could tell there would be a red mark there and grumbled quietly to herself.

She looked at the window, saw glass shattered everywhere and then noticed a women with black hair pulled into a high ponytail standing next to Ibiki in the room. Ayame had missed what she had said when she smashed through he window but by the way Ibiki look, she knew it wasn't good. 

"Anko, you're early." Ibiza said loudly, Anko's cheeks turning red from embarrassment. She mumbled some kind of excuse and Ayame turned her head to see Orochimaru staring at her. She quickly turn back around in her seat, gulping loudly and her eyes once again wide.

Once Anko had told everyone where to meet tomorrow, they were dismissed and Ayame was about to get up when Orochimaru leaned over, his breath so close to her she wanted to start crying right then and there. "You will come with me. Now, child."

Ayame just nodded, standing up quickly, her chair toppling over and exited the room, Orochimaru quickly following behind her. Kiba looked over at the noise and saw Ayame leave the room with a weird women and frowned. They had all been planning to get something to eat after this, so he didn't know why Ayame had left. Kiba knew then that something was wrong and no matter how much he hated Ayame, he knew Kurenai-Sensei thought of her like her own child and he quickly left as well, following her scent.

Ayame hurried into an abandoned training ground, and gasped as soon as she was pushed against a tree, the air going to her lungs getting cut off instantly. Ayame tried to swing her legs at him, or try to get some type of oxygen into her lungs but it was proving to not be successful. Ayame hated that she was so weak, she wanted to be strong.

"Oi! Let her go!"

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