Chapter 44

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Then Gary tells Ms. Nowhere that Cleve Kelso is evil, but he is not lazy

Gary - You got to hand it to Cleve. He's evil, but he's not lazy.

Ms. Nowhere - He comes from the greatest evil generation.

Cleve - It's called stick-to-it-iveness, something you kids know nothing about. Throw 'em all in the underground cell.

Rafaela - Buh-bye, losers.

Then Cleve throws Rafaela in the underground cell too.

Cleve - You too, girly. I'm sick of your sass. Should have left you in the Arctic Circle.

Rafaela - What? I'll break your knobby knees, you crusty old tumbleweed!

Cleve - Hold up.

Rafaela - I knew you loved me, Papa Cleve. I'm sorry for what I said.

Cleve - Leave Matsuo. Once we get his arm hooked up, he'll be right as rain.

Rafaela - I'll rip your head off, you dried-up cactus. I'll shove that stupid belt buckle so far down your throat, you'll poop rodeo trophies!

Cleve - What is that?

Cisco - Never leave family behind, baby!

Cleve - Oh, applesauce.

Tony - Cisco's back!

Layla - How did he pull this off?

Cisco - Falafel?

Salem - You know, you're really putting Bedouin hospitality to the test. Let me tell you, if Falafel hadn't heard your call, you'd be enter sandman right now.

Cisco - I need to get to my crew. They were headed to Cleve Kelso's base. If that sandstorm wall isn't down, they must still be in trouble.

Salem - We're tired of Cleve and his storms. Time to kick him out of our desert. So, you'll help me? If only to shut him up! But we can't go alone. We need to call for help. Let's go to the phone booth.

Cisco - Phone booth? Uh, guys... I know you spend, like, a lot of time in the sun... But yo, this isn't a phone booth. This is a rock.

Salem - I know that. It's the only place out here you can get a signal. It's called a metaphor! Jeez. Uh... Start dialing.

Sandocal - You know, I'm good for the money. I just need a little time. You can... hold onto Omar for collateral.

Omar - Yeah. Wait, what?

Sandocal - Sorry, I need to take this. Probably my broker saying my stocks have gone gold.

Then Sandocal answers his phone and listens to what Cisco is asking him for.

Sandocal - Allô? Yes. Mm. Ah, yes, yes. Ah, d'accord! Okay. We are in! Good news. I have a job. I'll be back with your money tomorrow. Let's go.

Omar - How much are we getting paid?

Sandocal - Nothing. It seemed like time to leave.

Amir - Got it. We're on our way. Mount up! We're going to help Ziri and car fail guy. He got our water back. We owe him!

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