Chapter 31

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Salem - I told you, Toretto. That camel is no good! Oh, no. What is this? Help!

Tony - All that rain turned this into a quicksand bog. Metmeh! You knew something was wrong, didn't you? Didn't you? Get a little closer, Metmeh.

Salem - Get me out!

Then Tony throws a rope to Salem and Tony pulls him out of the quicksand.

Tony - Don't struggle, you'll make it worse. You should have been riding Metmeh. Her big feet stay on top of the sand.

Salem - This is unfair. The desert has conspired against me.

Tony - Sorry, man. I know all about quicksand.

Layla - Wow! Cisco, you really do know your camels.

Cisco - I drank, like, nine of those smoothies, so I kinda feel like we're related now. Yeah! Woohoo!

Frostee - Yeah! Ha ha, you did it, T!

Echo - I don't know why I fight it. Let's keep doing stupid stuff.

Tony - Yeah!

Cleve - You got pretty close. But close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Ms. Nowhere - You can take us out, Cleve, but there'll be more coming.

Cleve - Oh, you mean Toretto and his crew? No... They got rained out last night. I'll launch storm satellites over every continent and bring the whole world to its knees. Meanwhile, the Sahara's going to be a slice of paradise, and I own the whole darn thing. I'd let you see it, but these two have been cooking up some real ugly revenge plans, and I just can't stand in their way.

Rafaela - We're totally boyfriend and girlfriend now, so this will be like our first date.

Matsuo - That's not true.

Rafaela - Heart filter!

Gary - Wow! Who's torturing who?

Frostee - Salem, are we there yet?

Salem - Like I said three dunes ago, no.

Frostee - Well, when are we gonna be there?

Salem - We'll get there when we get there.

Frostee - That's not a time. Are we half a day's ride out? Quarter of a salt flat? 3 km as the vulture flies? Salem...

Salem - Okay, that's it. I'm turning this camel around.

Tony - Wait, no! Salem, come on. What about the Bedouin Code?

I hate that code. Fine. But I need that one to zip the lip. That's for real.

Frostee - I'm sorry. This is what happens when there's no Wi-Fi, and I can't annoy Cisco because he's wearing noise-canceling headphones.

Cisco - What? What happened? Did Falafel fart again?

The Story of Tony Toretto and Layla Gray in Fast and Furious Spy RacersWhere stories live. Discover now