you play soccer

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"Oh please, you know I'm better than you." you say, in response to your best friend, Calum, thinking that he's better than you at playing soccer, or 'football' as he calls it.

"Oh c'mon, (y/n), we all know I'm better." he smirks.

"Ok. Let's settle this. One on one. Mono e mono. First to three goals wins."

"What do they win?"

"What do you want?"

"A nice date where we get all dressed up."

"Fine!" you say. He knew that you'd rather not get all dressed up and he thought it was fun to torture you.

"What you do want?" he smiles.

"I want you to post on twitter and instagram that I'm better than you at soccer."

"Oh Lord! No, change it."

"Nope. I make the rules, Calum. But to be fair, you can start off with the ball." you say, dropping the ball at midfield right in between you two.

"No, please, ladies first." he smirks.

"That's why I gave you the ball." you say, bluntly, but you smirk, breaking character.

"Oh wow! Ms. Trash Talker over here! You know what, I will start with the ball thank you very much!" he says, pulling the ball back. He quick steps around you and dribbles to the penalty area. You run up and slide tackle the ball away from him.

"Wow, girl's got game!" he says, giving you a hand to help you up. You bring the ball back to midfield. You keep taking turns until the score ends up 2-2. It's your turn with the ball and using your professional soccer player skills, you make it past him.

"OHH! Calum Hood is defeated!" you yell as he pretends not to be embarrassed.

"You played a strong game, (y/n). Let's go home now."

"Oh no, Calum. You will not get off that easy. Get your phone out and post those statuses."

He sighs and takes out his phone.

@Calum5SOS: so as it turns out, @(y/t/n) it better than me at football :/

He opens instagram and takes a silly picture of you two.

@calumhood turns out, @(y/i/n) is better at football than me... and she made me post this. >:(

[picture up top]

"You suck you know that." he smiles at you as you both begin walking back to your shared apartment.

You smile up at him, "you knew I was better the whole time, Calum."

As you walk up to the door of the house, Calum grabs your hand.

Your instinct is to flinch out, because you knew that you had feelings for him, but you knew he could never like you back. You'd always just be friends. Best friends.

"You know I had way more incentive to win." he smiles.

"Yet I still won!" you say, going to open the door.

"Wait. Don't you wanna know why?"


"Because I would get a date with you if I won."

You chuckle and he grabs your hands again.

"No really... even though I lost, will you go on a date with me?"

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