you like each other but hes dating someone else

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Part 1:


"How long have you liked him for?"


"Luke. y/n, you have to tell him." Ashton places his hands on your shoulders.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You and Luke both like each other. It's kind of obvious."

"Ashton, listen to me, I don't like him. We're just really good friends. Plus he said he met a girl a few weeks ago."

"Fine whatever you say." he sing songs at you.

You roll your eyes and continue writing out the song you've been working on.

"Hey guys." you hear Luke's voice and your head shoots up.

"Hey." you say, your eyes not focusing on him, then looking back down at your paper.

"I want to introduce you guys to someone. This is l/gf/n. That's Ashton and that's y/n." he smiles. You look up and see this girl standing next to him with his arm snaked around her back.

"Hi." you slightly smile, then return to your work. You begin writing as much as you feel at that moment. Ashton simply smiles at the girl, then turns to his phone. You hear Luke sigh then walk into the kitchen. She takes a seat next to Ashton and begins trying to make a conversation with him, while he obviously wants nothing to do with it.

"So you're the bassist right?"

"Drummer." he mumbles.


"I'm the drummer." he says in a loud, sarcastic voice, then turns his attention back to his phone. You feel your phone vibrate.

From: loser behind the drums

do you know where he met her? looks like it was at a strip club

You shake your head and start replying back.

From: y/n

idk... never seen her before in my life

He rolls his eyes after he reads the text, then gets up to go to the bathroom, or at least that's what he excuses himself for.

"So..." you hear from where Ashton was sitting.

You don't look up, but she continues anyway.

"You're y/n."

"Yup." you mumble.

"I'm l/gf/n."

"I heard." you fake smile.

It's not that you and Ash had anything particularly against this girl, it's that for some reason you felt a pit in your stomach when you saw his arm around her like that.

"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you."

"Yeah." you agree with her.

"So what exactly do you do?"

"What does that mean?"

"I mean like you're touring with the boys, but you don't really do much."

You take a second to control your breathing. Not only did she start out calling your four best friends 'the boys,' but she also claims you don't do much.

"Well considering I've helped write about half the songs on the album, I'd say I do a considerate amount." you roll your eyes, then look down at your paper, but you're too furious to actually write.

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